Sleeping Beauty

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I hear voices that are faint...

Voices that I don't know...

Who are thou?

Shall I be in fear of thy existence, or be glad?

Oh, how I wish to be awake to see it all...

Please someone... help me open my eyes...

So I can see the beautiful, yet cruel world in my point of view...

Sieglinde and Ciel had just finished dinner, Ciel still a bit uncomfortable by the way she "wolfed" down her meal, and also the fact that she speaks only Dutch, and he cannot.

"Let me show you something, since you are here." Sieglinde said to Ciel in Dutch, Sebastian having to translate it.

Ciel nodded as Wolfram, Sieglinde's butler, picked her up and walked up the stairs, Sebastian and Ciel following behind.

Once they got there, they were in a room decorated in goth and (f/c) than, in the middle, stood a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and pale skin, she was wearing a long navy blue dress that covered her bare feet, along with a light blue ribbon wrapped around her waist. Her sleeves long with a large folding like a shrine maiden, her golden locket around her neck. She was surrounded in preservative water, keeping her beautiful.

Ciel and Sebastian stared at the girl in astonishment, at first they thought it was a doll, but it looked too alive for it to be a doll.

"Who is she?" Sebastian asked Sieglinde in Dutch, "Is she dead?"

"Her name is (f/n) (l/n)," she said as she touched the glass, "She is not dead, she is sleeping, and we're keeping her safe until she awakens."

"I see," Sebastian said, "She is beautiful, like Sleeping Beauty."

"Yes, indeed."

"When will she awake?"

"Who knows? Maybe today, maybe tomorrow." Sieglinde said as she tapped on the glass lightly.

Ciel stared deeply at the girl, since he barely understands Dutch. He walked over and placed his hand on the glass.

"Young Master, are you perhaps interested in this girl?" Sebastian questioned as he noticed Ciel's movements.

Ciel flustered, taking a step back, "D-Don't be ridiculous! I was just making sure if she really is sleeping or not!"

Sebastian chuckled, "My, my."

I hear so many voices...

One of a grown man and one of a child...

Oh, how I wish to see them...

God, please... hear my prayer...

I wish to be free from this slumber, so I can be alive!

Please, end this dream, and begin my life...

Is that too much for me to ask?

"Oh my..." Sieglinde gasped, Sebastian and Ciel saw the girl and were shocked as well.

Mostly because the girl is slowly opening her eyes.

"Wolfram, quick, open the case." Sieglinde said.

Wolfram nodded and set Sieglinde down, then opening the case.

As the case opened, you stood up from it slowly, you blinked a few times as the water dripped from your hair, you looked around and saw Sieglinde. You thought that she was the one who protected you and spoke with you, even though you were asleep. You opened your mouth, trying to speak, but years and years of sleeping caused you to lose your ability to speak not even a letter of english, so instead it let out a small, cute roar.

"(y/n)... you have finally awoke, but it seems you cannot speak yet..." Sieglinde said with a sigh.

You couldn't really help it, you didn't really understand any language, having to have slept in a long time, so you didn't understand what Sieglinde is even saying at the moment.

You looked around some more, than saw the two men whose voices you don't recognize, you tilted your head as you tried to get out of the case, but you fell and landed flat on your face.

"Oh my, are you alright miss?" Sebastian said as he rushed over to you and helped you up, your legs were wobbling a bit, but after a while you had no problem standing, but as you tried to walk, you fell again.

"It seems like she needs to learn how to walk and speak." Ciel said as he stared at you trying to get up on your own, "At the very least, learn how to fit in society now."

Sieglinde nodded, seeming to understand what Ciel said, even though she doesn't know english.

"For now, we shall, sleep, Wolfram, I want you to escort everyone to their rooms, even (y/n)."

Wolfram said yes in Dutch than lead the way, carrying Sieglinde, Sebastian picked you up as well, seeing as you cannot walk. Ciel glared at bit at Sebastian, not sure why himself.


It was midnight, you didn't want to sleep, after you just woke up, you don't want to go back to sleep. You think that if you sleep again, you'll never wake up again, which you were a bit afraid of. So instead, you left your bed and stood there, trying to keep balance, then you slowly took a step, you wobbled a bit, but you tried your best not to fall, after a while, you got to the door, you smiled as you slowly opened it. You looked around in the darkness, you frowned, not liking the darkness one bit. You were about to cry until you hear a voice.

"Miss (y/n), I see you're still up." you looked up and saw Sebastian smiling.

You sighed in relief, but you didn't know what to tell the tall man, so you slowly went back in your room, you saw some paper and a pen, you held the pen in a strange way, and drew a stick figure sleeping with a big X on it. Than wobbled back to Sebastian, showing what you drew to him. He seemed to have understood.

"I see... you couldn't sleep," Sebastian said, "I guess its reasonable, after being in a deep slumber for a long time."

You smiled, you remembered a voice telling you about the things in this world with pictures, so in a way, you spoke in art.

"Well then, since I also, have nothing to do, shall I be by your side for the night?" Sebastian said, causing you to grin and nod.

Thus, for the rest of the night, you learned a few things Sebastian told you and taught you. Like walking, and a bit of speaking. You felt comfortable with this person, and you also felt something else, but you weren't exactly sure what it is, so you shrugged it off.

It seems she is awake now...

She can no longer see me...

She escaped from my grasp...

Quickly, quickly, I must bring her back.

For that she is, mine, and mine alone.

We will be together forever.

Dear (y/n)...

Oh, I love you so...

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