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A week later, a letter arrived at the estate. It was an invitation to a ball by Alois Trancy, Ciel didn't wish to go but the look in your eyes saying that you'd wish to, so he didn't have much of a choice.

The ball is a week away and Sebastian did as much as he can to teach you how to dance, eat, walk, and speak.

As you were ready you wore a pure red dress with golden roses, you didn't wear much jewelry, just your golden locket you always had. Ciel blushed when he saw you, so did Hiram. Sebastian didn't really blush, didn't seem like the type, but the way he looked at you was the same as Hiram and Ciel's reaction.

As you entered the Trancy estate, you saw the beautiful lights and people dancing.

"Ciel~!" Elizabeth ran over, but didn't embrace him and saw you.

"Oh, hello!" Elizabeth smiled at you, "I'm Ciel's cousin, and ex-fiance, Elizabeth, or Lizzy!"

You waved shyly, "(f/n) (l/n), and I am staying at Phantomhive estate."

Lizzy stared at you for a moment, than her eyes sparkled and hugged you.

"You're so cute! The dress you're wearing is adorable too!" she said happily, "I want to dress you in a a lot of adorable dresses! You don't mind, right?"

You shook your head as Lizzy smiled happily. You smiled as well, happy that you'd made a friend.

Ciel coughed, then the three of you proceeded in the ballroom.

You saw Alois and his butler, Claude staring at the three of you. You felt a bit nervous, but Hiram placed his hand on your shoulder, telling you that everything will be fine, which calmed you down.

"Welcome! To the Trancy estate! Who is this girl you have Ciel?" Alois walked over and smirked.

Ciel glared at him, "Just a girl thats staying at my estate, (y/n)."

"I see," Alois said as he came closer to your face, your (e/c) blinked, "Why stay at the Phantomhives? You should stay here! It's better than his."

Then Alois whispered to your ear, "I'd love to know more about you."

You look a step back, your face a bit red. Alois smirked as he saw your reaction, Ciel got between you and Alois.

"She will stay where she will need to be," Ciel said, "Shouldn't you go and greet your other guests?"

Alois grunted and then walked away, you felt hesitant, and confused.

"Shall I go get you a drink Mistress?" Hiram said.

You know Hiram is trying to cheer you up, so you sighed deeply, than nodded.

What is wrong?

It is the world you have always dreamed of.

Yet, why do you feel so hesitant and lost?

It seems like I have to put you up back in your feet again.

You weren't even supposed to be here.

We made a promise.

And you broke it, yet again...

Endless Cycles...

Running away, like Cinderella, all the time...

You felt a sudden headache, so you went to the powder room, until it goes away at least.

Claude saw you walk away, suspicious, he followed quietly so you won't notice.

You sighed, you looked in the mirror and saw your reflection. You wondered how Sieglinde's doing, and Wolfram, as soon as you tried to think about them though, your headache got worse. You fell to the ground, your hands on your head, you didn't know what was going on, you felt like you're being sucked in, something, someone, was taking over you. Someone familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Either way, you were in pain, then, all of a sudden, you fell asleep.

But someone else stood up, someone, in your body, she smirked as her hair changed the opposite color to yours. (Example: If hair is black, then it'll turn white, red to blue, orange to green, etc) Your gown turned into a shade of blue, as the roses turned into a darker yellow.

"Finally, honestly, for you to hesitant this much." said the girl in your body, her voice more mature, "But you deserve it, after all the trouble you caused me."

"Excuse me, Mistress (y/n)." Claude appeared out of nowhere, "Lord Trancy would like to see you."

"Hm, I see," said the girl, "Thank you for telling me..."

"Claude Faustus." Claude said as he bowed.

"Claude, yes, thank you." the girl walked back in the ballroom.

As she walked, she saw Ciel walking over to you, he noticed that you were different than before.

"(y/n)? You don't look-"

"Young lord," Sebastian said, looking at the girl in your body, "That is not (y/n)."

The girl smirked, "How clever you are butler, but you're only half right."

"Lady Mariella," Hiram said as he rushed over and bowed, "You have appeared."

"Yes, indeed I did," Mariella sighed, "This girl caused too much trouble for me, so I took over."

Ciel only watched in curiosity and shock as Mariella talked like a much different person, but she looked exactly like you, (despite the color differance) he is wondering,

Who are you?


Death God? or...


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