Masquerade Princess

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Your P.O.V.

Once we returned the manor, I went in my room to think. Think about the past events and try to figure out who I actually am.

Why was it that I suddenly appeared in the ballroom even though I have no memory going there from the powder room?

It could be someone stopping time and...

No, thats preposterous...

Who is this lady in my head then?

Not only her, but the man himself. The man in the mask...

Haha... this is kinda reminding me of the musical, "Phantom of the Opera".

I thought a bit more, although it was quite difficult piecing together the puzzle when there is less to know.

If only I had more hints, or something big! Like-


That huge explosion for example.

Wait... What the...?

I stood up and left my room, alarmed by the sound I followed where it came from.

As I was walking through the hallway, I felt a sudden headache. Why now though?

As the headache got sharper, I heard a woman's voice that was similar to mines.

It's my turn now...

Next thing you know, my vision became black. Then fell into a deep sleep...

Mariella's P.O.V.

I had awoken to the smell of burning smoke. Curious, I continued walking to where (y/n) left off and went to the kitchen. (Since that is where the smell came from.)

I sweat dropped at the sight of the kitchen coated in black. Three servants in somewhat ruins while Sebastian was lecturing them. Then he noticed my presence.

"Lady (y/n)," Sebastian said but paused, noticing who I am. "Oh, Lady Mariella, my deepest apologizes."

"No need for that," I said as I looked around the kitchen, "what has happened here?"

"Just a mistake the servants have made," Sebastian said with a smile, "I apologize to have you see such a thing."

I sighed, "Please, you don't need to apologize, I was just curious."

Honestly though, for a demon to apologize twice to me, it's nothing but foolish mockery. It's a good thing Hiram isn't like these demons.

But, it was hard to find an existence like him. Of course I had to kill him first, since he was before then, a human.

"Oh, (y/n)." I had heard Ciel as I walked past his room.

"Sorry sir, but I'm Mariella." I smirked.

"Mariella?" he questioned, then remembered, "Oh... I see you have returned then."

"Indeed I have." I said.

"What brings you here today then?" he then asked.

"It's none of your concern," I replied. He frowned at my answer, but I just simply smirked. It was quite fun to tease this man.

"Why is that? If you were to live in my manor, I would at least know." he said.

I chuckled, "I was kidding child. I'm here because a certain bug will be coming here soon."

"A bug? Whatever do you mean?" Ciel said, curious.

"A man that will come to steal me and (y/n) away," I replied, "That's why he's nothing but a bug."

"Mistress Mariella," Hiram appeared in front of me, "It is time."

I smirked as I said goodbye to the earl and left. Ignoring whatever sounds that came from his mouth.


It was midnight and I felt tired, but I know I couldn't turn back or else I'll put both myself and (y/n) in danger... I just need to wait a few more minutes. Few more minutes...

"Are you alright Mistress Mariella?" Hiram said to me.

"No, I am fine. Don't bother about me," I said coldly, "just pay attention to whomever will come."

"Yes Mistress." Hiram bowed.

"Well then, I didn't expect this." a deep voice spoke out in the darkness.

"Good, then." I replied back.

The man chuckled as he revealed himself into the light, "You know though, I have no interest in you..."

The man had a white mask over his right eye, his blonde hair swaying in the wind.


As the strange man appeared ever so suddenly in front of Marielle he placed his hand over her face. Causing Mariella to fall asleep, and you to wake up.

You noticed the man in front of you and almost screamed, but he placed his finger against your soft lips.

"Hush now my sweet princess." he said in the voice that made you shiver.

Hiram immediately attacked the man, causing him to jump away from you.

"Are you okay Mistress (y/n)?" Hiram said.

"W-Wha- What's going on Hiram?" you said.

"It seems as if this man want to capture you." Hiram said as he was getting ready for another attack.

"Ah~ pity," the man sighed, "I seems you have forgotten all about me, but worry not. You'll remember sooner or later."

Hiram's eyes went to a ruby red to a dark purple as he charged at the man. The man himself chuckled as he fought against him.

Your P.O.V.

I was dumbfounded really... What was going on?

Wait... Now that I think about it, it had happened again! Empty gaps of time that makes no sense whatsoever!

Just what am I?


No way... I couldn't be...

"(y/n)!" I heard Ciel shout to me as he ran over with Sebastian.

"Ciel... Sebastian." I said meekly.

"What is going on?" Ciel said as he looked over at the two men fight.

"Oh? More people came," the man said as he noticed the two, "how wonderful!"

"Who are you?" Ciel yelled at him, which caused him to chuckle.

"Why, I apologize for not introducing myself earlier," the man said, "I am Vale, (y/n)'s fiancee."

I blinked a few times in confusion. Fiancee? I don't even know this man!

"I don't know you!" I yelled suddenly, "I'd never saw your face either!"

Vale kicked Hiram in the stomach, making him fall than laughed in a booming way.

"It's only cause you don't even remember anything." he said, "You don't even know who you are."

"That is not true!" I yelled back boldly.

"Really? Then tell me, who are you?" he asked me with a devious smirk.

I breathed deeply as I gripped my hand tight about to answer Vale's question,

"I am (f/n) (l/n), and I am -------"

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