Snow White

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Today was the day, you finally made up your decision on what to do. Mariella is ready too, as you got dressed by yourself and got ready.

Are you sure you're ready for this?

I've already made up my mind remember?

But you do know that there's no turning back.

I know.

...Alright then, before you do this though...


I want you to promise me this...

What promise is that?

A promise that once you do this you'll never go back to the outside world ever again.

...Yeah... I will... but—

Okay, lets quickly go, before the people in this estate know we're leaving.


As you wore a long, navy blue dress that covered your feet, as a light blue ribbon was tied around your waist. The sleeves were long and wide like a shrine maiden. Then finally, you wore a golden locket around your neck. As you were set and ready, you slowly and carefully went outside the estate without anyone realizing anything. At least, that's what you thought...

"Where are you going at this hour, Mistress (y/n)?" Sebastian's voice was heard.

You quickly turned around to find Sebastian standing at the front door of the estate, you didn't expect him to be there at all...

Don't worry, I'll handle him...

Huh? Okay then...

You sighed deeply, as you closed your eyes. Few minutes later you reopened them, but it wasn't you...

It was Mariella.

"Hello Sebastian." Mariella said as she stared at the black-haired butler with empty eyes.

"I see you switched sides, Mistress Mariella." Sebastian bowed, "But may I ask where you're going?"

Mariella didn't answer, she knew that she couldn't lie to a demon, and if she told the truth she'd be forced back inside.

"The answer shouldn't concern you." Mariella said sternly.

"It does for your own safety." Sebastian said with a smile.

Mariella stood there for a while, then having no other choice, she raised her hand as a light purple light blinded Sebastian. As the light disappeared, so did Mariella. This caused Sebastian to frown, as he went back inside.

Meanwhile, Mariella was sprinting to her destination, you were awake, but not exactly knowing where she was going.

Where are we going?

To the place where you were found...

The place where... you mean Werewolf Forest?


Why there? Shouldn't we go somewhere else?

To hide a tree, one must hide it in the forest.


We're hiding in the same spot as before, where no one would ever think about finding us...


Mariella stopped, panting for breath, she closed her eyes again so she can switch places with you. Few minutes later, you opened your eyes to realize that you were in front of the forest. You gulped as you were about to enter, then all of a sudden, you were interrupted by a cackle.

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