Beauty and the Beast

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You sat there, in darkness while Claude is... well... licking you. Hopeless to do anything cause you're held down in chains.

But after a few minutes, you heard a loud crash, causing both you and Claude in shock, Claude stopped whatever he was doing and left.

You sighed in relief, and as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you looked around for something that'll pull off these chains.

You found a key on top of a desk, it could be the key to unlocking these chains, but they were too far away.

You pouted, but you tried to reach for he key anyways, not wanting to give up.

"What are you doing, Mistress (y/n)?"

You umped hearing a voice, but as you looked up, salty tears fell from your eyes.

It was Hiram, he came to save you.

You moved your legs, making the chains clash together in a somewhat loud "clatter" sound.

Hiram noticed what was going on and took the chains from your ankles and ripped them apart with his bare hands. As if he were tearing paper, the chains separated from you and brought you free. You then took the key and unlocked the metal clasps that were still gripping on your ankles, making you completely free.

Hiram suddenly hugged you after that, you blushed a bit, shocked of his sudden movement.

"I'm glad you're safe, dear (y/n)" he said as his warm breath hit against your neck. You smiled warmly and hugged him back, feeling glad that your butler is return to your side.

As you two were heading downstairs, you saw Sebastian and Claude fighting amongst themselves, but you didn't know where Alois was, which made you worry greatly.

"Don't worry, Mistress (y/n)," Hiram said as he picked you up bridal style, "We'll make sure you return home safe and sound."

Then after that, he ran out of the mansion, as he was running in top speed, you wondered what Hiram is... cause he didn't seem human.

Now that you think about it, most of the servants you've meet don't seem human as well...

It's almost as if you're surrounded by beasts, and you, the beauty, are surrounded.

*Few months later*

Time has passed, as you promptly learned english, dancing, and etiquette. You were turning into a fine lady indeed.

But lately, you've been having nightmares, about a man with blonde hair and multi-colored eyes. His left blue, his right gold, he was wearing a white mask that covered only the right side of his face. His face was leaning near you until you woke up. Feeling scared and nervous as you sweat a bit.

The next night you didn't want to sleep, you didn't want to have the same dream again. But seeing as you're still awake, Ciel got worried/mad, so he went in your bedroom with Sebastian. You were there pouting at Hiram at the fact that you stubbornly won't sleep.

"You'll need some sleep at least Mistress (y/n)." Hiram said as he sighed.

"I'll be fine Hiram, I don't need to sleep today." you said stubbornly.

Ciel walked over as you noticed him.

"Whats the problem?" he said a bit sleepily.

"I'm not going to sleep tonight." you said, "I'll be fine without a day of sleep."

"You're going to feel extremely tired in the morning if you do that." Ciel said.

"I'll be fine!" you said, you acting like a stubborn child and Ciel got annoyed.

"Then I guess I'm going to have to make you," Ciel said as he leaned his face closer to you, "But first, I'll need to shut you up."

Before you could even blink, Ciel's lips touched yours, as he kissed you in front of the two servants. You just stood there in shock, as Ciel pulled away, you blushed madly, not being able to find the words to speak.

"See? You're quiet now." he said.

"W-Why... eh?" is all you can say, you were still very shocked and confused.

"What's wrong?" Ciel said, "Do you need one more?"

Before you can say anything, Hiram cleared his voice loudly, as Ciel sighed and left the room along with Hiram, Sebastian stayed behind a bit and

gave a kiss on your cheek, whispering to your ear.

"I hope you have sweet dreams tonight." he said as he then left the room.

You blinked a few times, your skin still red from the kiss.

"Stupid..." you said softly, "How would this help me sleep? It made me even more awake..."

Even though as you said that, you slept anyway, this time having a much pleasant dream.

Good Night, my sweet princess...

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