Candy Princess

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As soon as Vale heard your answer, he went to a soft chuckle to a loud laugh. Placing his hand over his face as he kept laughing. It made you quite uncomfortable.

"You know, this is exactly why I love you so much." he said between chuckles, "Don't worry though, you'll be all mine as soon as I kill all these pests."

You shivered at what he said, why was he doing this much just for you? You don't even remember what you did to him. In fact, since you only remember being asleep your whole life, you don't recall ever being to do anything to him!

"Just... why are you doing this?" you yelled.

"Why? It's simple," he said with a smirk, " I. Love. You!"

You shivered a bit as you took a step back. You then bumped into Ciel, in which he got pissed at the man.

"Ciel? You okay?" you said in worriment and a bit of fear.

Ciel then stared at you for a moment then smirked.

"Well then, Vale," Ciel said, "Who said she was yours?"

"What was that?" Vale said, a bit annoyed.

Ciel then got your chin and had it turned to him, you blinked a few times, blushing as well.

"Ciel? What are you— mmmph!"

Before you finished your sentence, Ciel placed his lips against yours. You were shocked, this was the second time he kissed you already!

Vae stared at the two of you shocked and angry, "How dare you... I will kill you!"

When he charged at them, Sebastian went and kicked Vale, trying to protect Ciel. Even though he too, was jealous.

You blushed madly as you felt his tongue forcing its way in and doing whatever it pleases.

But you pushed him away from the kiss, breathing deeply as you covered your mouth.

Vale got extremely pissed then, cause his eyes went to a straight red glow.

"It seems Vale is a demon." Sebastian said, "A snake one to be exact..."

"What?" you said, still holding a slight blush, "Then..."

"Don't worry Mistress," Hiram warmly smiled at you then kissed you on the cheek, "I make sure to keep you safe."

You blushed more when Hiram kissed your cheek. You didn't expect your own butler to do such an act.

You ended up just staring at Hiram and Sebastian fight against Vale. You turn to Ciel concentrated on the battle as well.

"Hey Ciel..." you said as he turned to face you.

"What is it?" he answered.

"Um... Well, I was wondering why you... um...." you said, to embarrassed to say "kiss".

"Because I love you." he said simply and plainly.


You spaced out at the open balcony in your room at night. Remembering that Vale had escaped with only a missing arm, but it costed greatly to both Hiram and Sebastian as they were covered in deadly wounds. This made you greatly worried, which made you wide awake at night.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in," you said.

The door opened to Sebastian pushing a cart. The cart had a teacup, kettle, honey, and a chestnut cake.

"It seems like you cannot fall asleep again." he said with a smile, "You you perhaps like some warm milk and honey? Along with chestnut cake.

You stared at the food and then at Sebastian, "Yes, thank you."

As you came inside and closed the windows, you sat on your bed as Sebastian poured some warm milk in a teacup.

"How much honey would you like on your milk Mistress (y/n?)" he asked.

"A little please." you said as Sebastian nodded, "Hey, Sebastian..."

"What is it Mistress (y/n)?"

"remember the day when I first came to this world?" you said, starting a conversation, "I didn't want to sleep the first night so you accompanied me through the night, teaching me the basics of social life."

"Yes, of course I remember." Sebastian said, giving the milk to you, "you were absolutely adorable as you tried to struggle through words."

You pouted at him, finding that embarrassing, "W-Well, I couldn't help it..."

Sebastian chuckled, "But of course, you have indeed turned into a beautiful lady."

You blushed at his compliment as you stared at him, "Really?"


"How can you be so sure?"

"Cause then I would wish to do this..."

As Sebastian's words slowly faded, he got closer to you and kissed you softly.

Your (e/c) widened a bit, but then softly closed as you kissed him back.

As you pulled away, you blushed as Sebastian smiled at you.

"I can see why the young lord likes kissing you so much." he said.

"Why...?" you said softly.

"Because your lips taste sweet, like candy." Sebastian said as he leaned over for another kiss.

Lips like candy,

Voice like sugar.

Hope I'll eat you,

bit by bit.

Like Hansel and Gretel,

eating the candied filled house.

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