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You woke up the next morning by your butler, Hiram opens the curtains.

"Good Morning Mistress." he said with a smile.

You smiled back at him, but you then remembered who you were and who Mariella is. You then also remembered the many kisses that had happened last night. You blushed a deep red as you tried to forget about it.

"What's wrong mistress?" Hiram asked as he noticed you blushing, "Are you getting a cold perhaps?"

Hiram placed his forehead against yours as he checked your temperature. Blushing more, you pushed him away quickly.

"D-Don't be ridiculous!" you said, "I'm just sleepy! That's all!"

"Are you sure mistress?" Hiram said with a concern look on his face, "It's my duty to keep you in the best health possible."

"Yes, trust me!" you said as your blush went away, "I'm perfectly fine!"

Hiram sighed, "If you say so then, mistress (y/n)."

As you got dressed, you went outside the garden to eat breakfast, Ciel and Sebastian greeted you, and complimented your dress and how beautiful you look in it.

After breakfast you played chess with Ciel again, this time with you winning, which shocked Ciel.

Then you went to the kitchen to find one of the servants about to cook steak with a bomb! You stopped him just in time too.

Typically, it was a normal, peaceful day at the estate. This made you worry, I mean, after what happened yesterday, it seemed to out of the ordinary for it to go back to its peaceful self again. You even worried more that Vale would hurt Sebastian and Hiram again, you were wondering what you were doing to do until you hear a voice in your head. It was Mariella... (Italic=Mariella Bold=You)

Just what are you doing?

Huh? What do you mean? Are you Mariella...?

Yes, I am. Congrats for finally realizing.

Why are you--

You haven't answered my question.


What are you planning?

Nothing much...

You lie. I'm inside you, we are both one. So I know everything.

If you know everything, then why did you ask?

Just answer me!

O-Okay! I was just maybe planning on sneaking out to face Vale for myself...

...How will you leave?

Um... maybe by the window.

You'll die from the fall.

Then, I'll get a rope!

The rope will break. Do you even have a weapon?

...Uhm... I'll look for one!


......Why do you do this to me?

Because your state of reasoning is preposterous and I don't wish to be involved in such manner.

You suck.

It's for your own good.

You sound like a mother now.



*sigh* Seriously though, I cannot have you run out to danger. Vale is the kind of man that will not back down on anything. He will capture you. No matter what happens.

Then how can I stop him?

There is only one way to do so then...

What is it?

You must revert back to whence you'd came. As everyone forgets everything that has happened to both you and your existence.

What? I can't do that! It'll be too sad for me!

Don't worry, you'll forget everything as well.

No! I don't want that! After all I have experienced...

Well, it is one or the other. I'll let you think about it tomorrow.

You really do suck...

Says the woman who broke our promise...

Promise? What promise?

Good-bye. Until tomorrow.

Wait! You still haven't--

"Mistress (y/n)?" Hiram said as you snapped back to reality.

"H-Huh? What is it Hiram?" you said.

"Did something happen?" he said concernedly.

"No... why do you say that?" you questioned.

"Because you are crying." he said.

You blinked as you noticed the salty drops fall down your cheeks, "E-Eh? Why...?"

Then all so suddenly, Hiram hugged you tightly.

"What the--? Hiram? What are you--" you panicked.

"I deeply apologize, but I do not wish to see my mistress suffer as such circumstances." he said as he softly planted a kiss to you.

You stood there in shock as you felt his warm lips against yours. You didn't know what to do. What was one supposed to do when your own butler kisses you?

As he separated himself from the kiss, he stared at you deeply as you blushed.

"I promise you, I will protect you from that wretched man. Even if it costs my own life."

You frowned sadly at what he said as you thought...

I'm sorry but...

I can't have you do that...

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