Mermaid Princess

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"-and thus, there will be times where (y/n) and I will switch time to time," Mariella said, "But (y/n) does not know about me yet."

Ciel and Sebastian found what Mariella said a bit unbelievable, but since there are demons and angels, there would possibly be people like you.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go back into slumber," Mariella sighed, feeling a bit tired, "Do not tell (y/n) about me, not until later, so then, until next time, adieu."

Mariella closed her eyes, after a few minutes, (y/n) woken to her usual self and body. You were though confused, I mean, you were just in the powder room, why were you all of a sudden in the ballroom?

"(y/n)!" Alois came over to you and grabbed your hand, "Let's dance together!"

You felt a series of glares behind your back, but you nodded, ignoring those glares. After all, you don't want to be rude.

As the music played, you tired to remember the simple waltz Sebastian had taught you back at Ciel's manor. But of course, you were doing fine and well, enough to at least avoid the stepping of the feet.

It was time to switch partners, as you walked to the next person, it was Ciel himself! Your heart skipped a beat as Ciel slowly offered his hand to you as a signal to start a dance. You of course, accepted, again cause you didn't want to be rude. You two slowly danced to the music, you noticed that Ciel looked hesitant, like he was keeping a dark secret. You were about to ask what it was but before you could even blink, your partners change! You now currently dancing with Hiram! He smiled at you in a way that made you calm, and your feet lighter than usual as you danced across the white room with him.

"Are you having fun Mistress (y/n)?" Hiram asked softly as his warm breath bushed against your ear.

You blushed sightly but in a way he could see, you tried to cover it as you nodded in agreement. Hiram chuckled over your shyness and found it adorable.

The music stopped as everyone took a break. You walked over to a chair and sat down, breathing slowly yet deeply as you looked at the ballroom.

"How do like the ball Mistress (y/n)?" said Hannah, a maid with light purple hair and tan skin, she appears ever so suddenly behind you as well, which gave you a bit of a shock.

"I-It's excellent." you said as you tried to find the right words, "It is indeed, a very fun party."

There was a silence, Hannah didn't even talk after what you said. Feeling extremely awkward, you tried to start a conversation, but you didn't even know what to say.

"(y/n)!" Lizzy ran over to you, smiling, "There you are! Comon, they're doing something really cool over there!"

Curious, you got up and followed Lizzy, you saw a crowd surrounding some kind of event that is happening. As you were squeezing your way through, you saw Claude... doing a magic show? He has a very serious, monotone expression on his face when he did his tricks, which made it very... weird...

'I will now need a volunteer," Claude said as he pushed his glasses in and search through the crowd, then spotted you.

"How about you, Mistress (y/n)?" he said, reaching out his hand to you.

You looked at the people near you, see if he mad a mistake, but he wasn't. Nervous, you took his hand as you were brought up the stage and in front of the crowd of people.

You looked around nervously, but then, all of a sudden, you were shoved inside a box! It was dark and the inner wall was made of glass. You tired to push your way out, but of course, you failed cause the door was locked. But you didn't give up, you kept on pushing on the door so that it'll open and you'll be free. But something else happened, water started to pour in, you panicked, and then tried to break the glass with your hands.

Being asleep for so long, you had very weak body and stamina, so you already got tired and your hands were already bruised up. The water though kept filling, seconds later, the water filled up to your chin already. You still kept trying though, and never gave up.

Until all of a sudden, you passed out.


You slowly opened your eyes, you are lying on bed in a nightgown... you looked around and noticed that this... wasn't your room!

You got up quickly and tried to get out of bed, but chains propelled you as they wrapped around your small, pale ankles. You shivered in fear as tears started to fall from your face like rain.

"Hiam... Hiam..." you called out softly, hoping that he'll appear beside you and save you.

But... nothing happened, no one appeared, you sat on your bed as the room got darker, which made you more scared. You sobbed, you didn't want it to be like this...

Don't fear my little princess,

I will appear before you soon.

Just sit tight and wipe away those salty tears, or else I'll lick them off personally when I get here...

After all, what happened to the fate of the sad mermaid princess,

was nothing but a terrible fate of foam and bubbles.

You heard the door creaking sightly, you jumped, scared as you stopped crying and stared at the door as it opened to reveal...

Claude Faustus.

You shivered more, remembering that it was because of this man that you're in this predicament.

"I see you're awake, dear (y/n)." he said as he closed the door, leaving you two alone in the darkness.

You were scared, not cause it was dark, cause since it was dark you couldn't see what Claude is doing.

"Hiam..." you called out one more time, as fear seeped in your throat.

"Your butler Hiram is not here, they won't be here for awhile." Claude said as he started walking towards you.

You flinched, shivering so much, then you felt your hand being grabbed, noticing that it was Claude, you tried to scream, but the voice couldn't come out...

"I know that you are not a normal human being," Claude said, "Cause of that I have selfish desires of not only your soul..."

You jumped, you felt something wet and slimy on your fingers, Claude was licking them! (yeah, you thought of something else huh? You perverted reader you. ewe) You tried to remove his grasp, but he was too strong, it wasn't before long when he started to place your fingers in his mouth, You flinched, feeling his warm tongue against your soft, thin fingers. You felt weird, you don't know why or what. But you didn't like it.

"S-Stop!" you said in a voice thats drowned in fear.

He stopped, but before you can sigh out of relief, you felt his tongue again, but this time on your foot.

You made a small, high-pitched scream as his... well... taste buds devoured the taste of your foot. (This is turning really weird now huh? XD )

What were you to do? Whatever method you tried against the man has failed, are you just going to hopelessly sit there and be...


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