Chapter 24

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King P.O.V
Me,chad and JJ slide to the warehouse to go handle some business before going my new house.We got to the warehouse and saw shay tied to a chair with a blind fold on crying.I chuckled cay her fear was funny to me.I took a chair and sat I front of shay and started talking to her. "Why you do it huh?" She cries and said she needed more money to take care of herself and get clothes and pay rent.See now you cappin cause you work at a strip club where you make atleast 6,000 and 50,000 at the most if you know what you doing you don't got no damn kids and you don't got no one to take care of you just selfish so I should just shoot you right here rn I said to her. "Nooo please ill do anything I'll work for you I'll do anything"she said begging. Me ,chad and JJ just laughed at her, "You know I can't have no snake working for me" I told her. "What my memo shay?"
She started crying and shaking and saying "anyone that fucks with you would end up on a shirt that says before she could finish her sentence I shot her in the head 5 times.

"Damn nigga it's like that" JJ said chuckling yah it's like that" I replied.I called the clean up crew and Me,JJ and chad headed out and went to my new house.When we came to the house the gate was wide open so I knew something was up we all pulled out are guns and went out the car security was everywhere and police.we came out the car and said what's going on the police told us there has been a kidnap and probably even a murder. "Aw hell nah" I said going inside the house then a police officer said I couldn't enter.I sized him and pushed him out the way "move nigga" when I went inside I saw everything broken and blood everywhere.

"Yo who's blood is this" I asked a officer "I don't know sir we checked your camera room and the tapes where gone" I instantly started calling crystal and no answer.So I called my special people to go search for her and track down her phone or something and on Top of that I need to call my bank about my black card.I can't believe that people really out here targeting my family over money.

Crystal P.O.V

Girl wake up I said shaking treasure.Where are we she said rubbing her eyes "we in North Carolina" I replied. "Damn I been sleep that long" she said looking back at the kids playing. Yah I stopped cause the kids was getting grumpy and I stopped at the gas station three times a bitch is sleepy.So I got us a room at a 5 star hotel I said twerking in my seat Treasure just laughed.

"Ok so here's the plan you but this wig on and this red dress and fur coat and these heels then go in and get us the keys to the room and call me when your in the room and I'll bring the kids in. "Okay but name is gonna Patricia"treasure replied I laughed and shaked my head "okay Patricia" she put the clothes and wig on and left.I got the kidels out there care seat and stuffed some clothes in my jacket to make me look fat and went in with the kids. Treasure texted me the room number and I got there with the kids and bitch the room was niceeeee.Too bad we only got a day to enjoy it until we move into our 2 bedroom apartment. Then treasure turned around and "2 bed room wha?" Girlll we can be living in no lavish home if we gottta stay low and plus we need to get more money and stop using the card cause they could track down our transactions and in pretty sure King finna turn the card off pretty soon and we not gonna have no money to live off I told her. "Okayyy" she said hugging love.We all went to sleep then woke up 10:00 pm so we could leave at 11 and get to New York at 5:00 am.Me and treasure already showered and put are disguises on.Treasure took the kids a shower and got them ready while I went to the security room.I put my gloves on and knocked on the security room very lightly.This man opened the door and asked what I needed I told him I'll give him 20,000 if he gave me all the tapes and turned the cameras off until we left and never speaked to the police about our conversation.He agreed and deleted all the footage and I payed him and lefted.Treasure already got the hospital tapes covered cause she had a friend from the club that worked at the hospital delete them.I got back to the room and helped Treasure finish packing took everything out of the mini fridge and left.We went down to the food room and just started taking any snacks in there and left.I gave all the kids snacks and we went on our way to New York

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