Chapter 42

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Crystal P.O.V

"King you better not drop my stuff" I yelled out at him as he put the boxes in the moving truck. Today was moving day and I know I look dumb asf for moving back in with king or even be on speaking terms with him but we set aside our differences and we gonna be cordial for the kids. We aren't together at the moment but we've been working on our relationship and king has treated me better then he has ever. Still sad about my mom and everything I was suprised to see the will she left me cause it was more then a million dollars and I know she didn't have that kind of money.I felt like the money she left me had something to do with her murder but I was just going to let the police do their job and find out who killed my mother. I wanted to go home and get stuff to remember my mom or see my old room but the police wasn't allowing that right now."God damn how many things did you bring to this house" king said carrying the boxes out the house "It isn't That much king" i said laughing.

"Adrian don't bounce that ball into the street stay on driveway" I yelled out before going in to the house to bring boxes out to help king. "Mommy can I help Alyssa" said running up to me yess baby you can go get the pillows and blankets left in your room okay. Okay she nodded her head and running upstairs.

"I got the Last box" I yelled out to king. "Mommy these are heavy" Alyssa said trying to carry all the blankets and pillows. "Let mommy help" I said laughing and taking some from her.Just when we were going to walk out the house we heard loud bangs sounded kinda like gunshots but this wasn't that type of neighborhood so I was confused on what it could be. "Mommyyyyy" Alyssa yelled out crying "come here" I said dropping all the stuff and picking up Alyssa. I hurried and made my way to the back room I had in the house and making sure Alyssa was okay. "Mommy Adrian and daddy is outside are they okay" she said wiping her tears "everything is okay baby" I replied.I knew king and Adrian couldn't be hurt cause he wouldn't let a thing happen to them. "Stay here okay and don't leave until I come back like daddy always tells you okay" I said crouching down and giving her a kiss on the cheek and hugging her "okay" mommy she replied nodding her head.

I closed the door and hurried and ran outside to see if Adrian and king was okay. When I came outside I seen the old man and lady next door with a couple of people trying to help someone on the floor. "O god" I said running towards them to see what was going on. "Where's my son" I said coming to the crowd and when I came thru I saw king laying on the floor bleeding and the people were trying to help him. "King" i yelled out trying to get him off the floor. "Ma'am calm down it's not good to move him like this just wait for the paramedics to come they are almost here" a man said holding me back. "Nooo this can't be" I yelled out crying.

I was looking around for Adrian to see him standing and looking into thin air. "Adrian are you okay" I said coming up and running to him and crouching down to his level. "what happened" I said checking all over him to see if he was okay he just stared in at me disbelief. "Mommy" he said before he looked down to his shirt when I looked down and there was blood all over his shirt. "No no no" I said shaking my head crying more. I lifted up his shirt to see if there was something wrong and he had been shot in his chest. Omg yelled out picking up Adrian I hurried and ran across the street to see if tyquan can help and I got to his door banging. I kept banging and banging but no one was answering the door.Right in time the paramedics came to get king and I ran straight to them.

      "MY SON AND HUSBAND HAS BEEN SHOT" I said handing Adrian over to one of the paramedics by that time his eyes was closed and he wasn't responding. "Please don't tell me he's dead" I said crying "ma'am calm down we have them they are in good hands I'm just going to need you to tell me information about the two" the lady replied as they put king and Adrian In the ambulance. "Mommy" Alyssa said running up to me baby I told you to stay inside I said picking her up. "I was scared" she said hugging me. Is daddy and Adrian going to be okay she asked "yes baby they are" I replied.

After speaking to the paramedics I decided to drive to the hospital with Alyssa so she wouldn't have to see what was going on. I already informed everyone and they were on the way to hospital. Who would do this I thought to myself.I was trying not to cry so I wouldn't crash or scare Alyssa and this was very hard for me. First my mom and now king and Adrian I was very scared for my safety right now and I am so glad I brought Nyla to treasures house cause it would've been worse. Alyssa doesn't understand to much of what's going on but I was trying my best to keep her distracted from the situation.

"Okay baby close the tablet we are at the hospital okay you can take it in but close it for right now" I said pulling up to the hospital. "Okay mommy" she said closing the tablet and opening the car door. I quickly got my stuff and went around the car picking up Alyssa and quickly making it into the hospital. Crystal what happened mama lin said walking towards me with ny. "I don't know we were moving things out the house and heard gunshots outside and I found them both shot" I said trying to contain my tears.

"I got here as soon as I could" treasure said holding nyla in her arm and holding loves hand with the other. "Ny ask a nurse where the children's play room is and take the kids to to play while we wait for the news of king and Adrian condition" mama lin said taking nyla from treasure and handing her to ny "okay" my nodded grabbing nyla. "Love and Alyssa go with ny okay" I said to the both of them okay the both said following behind her.

"Everything is fine crystal I got the boys to move yall stuff to the house and they gon be fine.king got shot before and survived he gon be fine" JJ said rubbing my back. How could I let this happen I thought to myself as I cried. This was probably all my fault if I hadn't never came to king house a month ago starting a fuss about my momma death maybe him and Adrian will still be fine.

        "Crystal get up the doctor is coming" treasure said tapping me. I quickly got up to hear the news of the condition of king and Adrian I've been praying all night for them to make it thru. "Are you guys the family of king Izzy and Adrian Izzy" the doctor said walking up to us yes we all stood up to hear the news. "Your going to have to sit down for this one" he said sitting in a seat next to us. When he said that we all sat down expecting to hear the worse "Well your son made it thru but there's a slim chance that he will live cause the bullet went right thru his chest and I'm sorry to say but king didn't make it we tried all we can to save his life but he didn't make it thru"the doctor said looking down at the ground.

           When we heard the news mama lin dropped down to the floor screaming and crying. We all cried actually JJ stood in the corner trying to hide his tears and chad walked away trying to hold his tears. How am I gonna tell Alyssa that her dad is dead or how nyla was going to grow up not knowing her father. All the things my mom warned me about when I was younger about a life like this became one of my biggest nightmares the one man that actually loved is dead and my baby barely has a chance of living.

           "I'm sorry treasure"said rubbing my back as I cried "I can't do this no more he's dead treasure he is gone and never coming back first my momma now king and they shot my baby too" I said crying even more. "At the moment you guys can't see Adrian because the condition he is in but in a few days I'm sure you'll guys get to see him once we figure out the condition he is in. I am gravely sorry and sorry for your lost" the doctor said before walking away. "I can't do this treasure I said going to to the play room to get Alyssa" treasure followed right behind me. "He's gone isn't" he ny said shaking her head and crying before crying into my chest. "Yes he's gone" I replied hugging her crying along with her.


      "Mommy I want to sleep with your tonight" Alyssa said climbing info my bed and rubbing my face. "Okay baby" I said hugging her. "Mommy when daddy and Adrian gets home can we do movie night like always do" Alyssa said looking into my eyes. "Maybe now get some sleep" I replied she nodded and turned over to go to sleep.

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