Chapter 31

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Crystal P.O.V
"All rise." I stood up and pulled my dress down.the bailiff introduced our judge "Please be seated and come to order." The Bailiff finished. "Good Morning. Please state your name for the records." Judge maria said. "King Izzy" King said "And you ma'am?" The judge faced our direction. I stood up and told him my first and last name "crystal Adams." "Very good. You may be seated. Let's get started. "Mr.Izzy, you filed the claim so I'd like to hear from you first this morning." King stood up and cleared his throat. "Your Honor,I'm here today to try to gain full custody of my son and daughter Alyssa Izzy and Adrian Izzy with monthly supervised visitation for the mother.They have lived with me for the first months of their life but their mother ran away and faked their kidnapping and went to New York for 5 years.We all have been searching for them for 5 years just to find her perfectly fine working as a stripper who does sexual favors for money.shes a unfit mother who barely takes care of the kids cause she's at the club all day.;She leaves our kids all day with some stranger or her friend who also works at the club if she's not working that night". Your honor, she brutally attacked me the first time I got to see my kids in 5 years cause I asked for custody.Shes a home wrecker and all she wants is money.she All of these examples are unsuitable conditions that no child should be around. King looked my way and did a slight smirk and sat down. I can't believe a man who said he loved me could say so much bad things about me and none of this is true he knows I love those kids.

"A few questions for you Mr.Izzy ." The judge said. "Yes your honor." He answered. " whats you're occupation Mr.Izzy ?" "I'm a rapper and a club owner , your honor." He answered. "What is your communication like with the other parent" not very well every time we talk she seems to want to argue or fight" king answered making me roll my eyes.

"And what about times when you are out of town? Who will be seeing after the child?" He asked. "I've planned to bring them With me.After being apart from my kids for so long I don't wanna travel far from them again And if I can't keep them with me my mother is really good kids and they love their grandma.

"Very well. I would like to hear from the defendant. Ms.adams" "Good Morning I said as I stood up and adjusted my dress once again. "My name is Crystal Adams I'm the mother of Adrian and Alyssa I met king a few years back when I was working at a club as a stripper but he did not know that Cause I was not in my work attire.We ended up having a one night stand that night and at first he didn't want nothing to do with me but later apologized for it.We started dating and one day he found Out I was working at the club and hit me a few times ended things with me and denied our kids after that I found a nice man who I later found out was his brother.Me and this man weren't in good terms and I slept with king once the day I went into labor after I broke up with his brother and started living with him but we weren't together and after a while we mad it official.I met his family and found out his other brother was someone I used to be with for a few years way back.The same day he had an affair and I did too with his brother.We broke things off but later got together but he cheated again with two other girls and I forgave him and went right back.After being happy together he put our family in danger with him being a drug lord and stuff.Someone came and shot up the house and he nearly died.I supported him in the hospital the whole time we even thought about getting back together and he got a house and all but I caught him cheating again and I just didn't want my kids around this so I ran away with a friend cause I knew that was the only option of starting over."

The judge said "Thank you, Ms. Adams, but I do have a few questions for you as well." "Ok," I answered.Are you currently employe" yes your honor I'm a dancer and bottle girl at a club I replied. The judge nodded her head and asked "If at any time did you assault Mr.Wright?" When she asked me that I took a long pause then is said "Yes I did,It was out of anger and it was a senseless act I replied.She then nodded her head and wrote something down. One more question the judge said i nodded.Describe your living conditions I live in a 2 bed room apartment with my kids, my Bestfriend and her daughter.The judge wrote something down on her paper and asked "do the 2 children have their own room?" I looked down and answered "no your honor. "Okay thats enough questions you may be seated" She said.I nodded my head and sat down.

The judge then turned to king and asked "Mr.Izzy what does ms.adams mean by you put your family with your family in danger with you being a drug lord.King then stood up and told the judge "she thinks me being a rapper and owning a club has things to do with drugs I would never put my family in danger intentionally and I alwallays have security around at all times when I need them.The judge wrote it down and then asked king about his living conditions. "I live in a gated safe community a big house 10 bedrooms 9 bathrooms a pool and a safe room in case anything happens" king replied. The judge nodded in understandment and told king "Thank you Mr.wright, I've heard all that I needed to hear today. We'll take a 30 minute lunch. I need time to deliberate in my office. We'll meet back here at 1:00 pm sharp. Court adjourned."

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Crystal P.O.V

"Okay welcome back. Is there anything that any of you would like to say before I announce my ruling?" The judge asked. I shook my head no and king did to.As the judge talked I began rubbing my sweaty hands together "so I came to conclusions and what's safer for the kids and who's more suitable and who's in the right mindset to take care of the kids and the courts ruling to award joint legal custody to.....

Find out what happens next chapter

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