20.. He Fell In Love And Apology.

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" who are you?" A cute girl asked placing her hand on her waist, pouting , her hairs were in baby cut hairstyle, looking so innocent and chirping at the age of 18.

" Ma'am, I am your new bodyguard!" The handsome and devilish man informed whom she was staring with so much intensity.

" Ugh! This dad, how many time I said to him, I don't need any bodyguard, but still , why he is so stubborn." She said clenching and rotating her eyes and head.

" By the way, what is this Ma'am! Call me Donna, I am younger than you." She said cutely.

" okay Ma'am, I mean Donna." Her bodyguard plainly said, oh god how boring he was!

" so, don't you want to tell me your name?"

" Stephano !"

She smiled and exclaimed," so from today ,I am going to call you Steph !"

He nodded plainly.

" How on Earth I am clattering only!" She frivolously asked, he again nodded.

ugh! Such a boring man.

She came outside her penthouse in the garrage for fetching her Mercedes.

He also came following he.

" Ma'am, sorry Donna , you are forbidden for driving a car."

" please!"

Her twisted lips and innocent eyes could melt anyone. But his rigidity about his work and duties was too tighten to melt.

She had to go to her college in the Mercedes car in which she was not allowed to ride.

Driving was strictly forbidden for her due to her constant rash driving and tendency to indulge herself in minor and major accidents.

Entering into the college campus, she came to her bunch of friends.

She was uncomfortable with his following, her dad was such a pain!

She turned and came closer to his cheek. Her husk gave him an eerie sensation, his breathe got heavy and then she whispered in his ear, " Steph, I know it is your duty, and I will not interrupt you but this is my college, don't embarrass me.

eeing you with me they commented me about my overpossessive father, they never leave any stone to mock me. They always commented me for my richness. Tell me is it my fault?!! "

He nodded silently and backed off as he could understand her vision, she was right at some extent!

Flashback end


" look like, there is a lot in your story!" Alessandro whispered listening her tale of love.

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