She's sick

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You rolled over on the bed expecting to feel the heat radiating off of Taylor's body but instead, you were met with the feeling of cold sheets. You grumbled and sat up, feeling around for Taylor on the bed but your heart dropped when you heard a sound coming from the bathroom.

You quickly panicked, the sound all too familiar and knowing it was coming from Taylor frightened you. You ran into the bathroom to find Taylor sitting on the floor with her head over the toilet bowl.

"Taylor? Oh my god. I'm sorry."

You walked over to her and sat behind her, placing your hands on her back and rubbing it, leaving little reminders that you were there with her as she began to throw up once again.

You felt helpless. It hurt seeing her like this. It made your heart ache and you now understood how she feels when you're the one that's sick.

She stopped a few minutes later and rested her head on the lid as you stood up to grab her toothbrush. You put some toothpaste on it before crouching down and looking at her, smoothing her hair back that was sticking to her forehead.

She looked so tired and pale, her body was sticky with sweat, and you could tell that she looked so miserable.

You slowly helped her stand up, keeping a hand resting on her lower back to keep her steady as her legs shook underneath her. You handed her toothbrush to her and she thanked you.

Once she finished brushing her teeth she clung onto you, resting her warm and sweaty forehead on your shoulder.

"Come on baby, let's get you back to bed."

You led her back to bed and tucked her in under the blankets when she climbed in. She was shivering but she tried to kick the blankets off at the same time, sweat rolling down her body as her fever got higher.

"My poor baby. You need anything?"

She shook her head and closed her eyes, groaning out as her stomach started to ache again.

"I think I might be sick again."

You rushed over to your side of the bed and grabbed the garbage can before sitting on the bed and placing the bucket between her legs. She started to get sick again, one hand gripping the bucket tightly and the other reaching out for yours. You grabbed it and moved closer to her, using your free hand to rub her upper back.

Once she was done she nearly collapsed back on the pillows from how exhausted and sick she felt. You put your hand on her forehead, feeling how sticky and hot it was against your hand.

"I love you, Taylor. Try to sleep."

You moved the garbage can back on the floor and laid down next to her, Taylor moving her head from her pillows to your chest as you wrapped your arms around her.

She was clingy when she was sick and though you hated seeing her so ill, you couldn't deny how much you loved her clinging onto you.

She closed her eyes and coughed a few times, an awful congested sound coming from her chest when she did.

"Love you too." She murmured before drifting off to sleep, grateful to have you there to take such great care of her.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now