apple picking

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The apple orchard was unsurprisingly crowded as you walked through it with Taylor. These times are some of your favorites of all, but more than just spending time with your girlfriend it also brought back great memories from when you were a kid.

The scent of hot apple cider and donuts filled your nose and it sent a warm feeling through you. Taylor ran her thumb along your knuckles and grinned at the sight of all the families that are making wonderful memories together. You saw a great tree from a distance and you pointed over at it, Taylor's smile growing wider when she saw you smiling. "Well let's go to that one, beautiful girl." You blushed but thankfully it was a little harder to see since the cool crisp air was making your cheeks a little red.

Taylor started to pick a few apples but frowned when she saw you struggling. Even on your tiptoes you still couldn't seem to reach any, and it's clear that you're growing frustrated. She noticed the tears in your eyes and she came right over to you, her hand going under your chin to tilt it up. "I can't reach any of the branches." You pouted and Taylor just smiled at you.

"Get on my back." You climbed on her back and let her grab ahold of your thighs. Thanks to Taylor you can now reach the apples, and you giggled when she'd stand on her tiptoes, giving you an extra boost though she knew you could already reach them with no problem.

You grabbed a few apples and put them in the bag before looking down at Taylor to find her already grinning up at you. You leaned down to kiss her lips tenderly. She gently brushed her fingertips along the back of your thigh and it made you giggle. "You good?" You nodded and bit your lip to keep yourself from smiling. "You sure? Are you sure you aren't ticklish there?" You nodded but Taylor didn't believe you, so with a secure grip on your thigh with one hand she moved the other up and down your thigh which made you laugh and squirm around on her back.

That went on for a couple minutes before she stopped and just smiled at you. "You got enough apples, cutie?" You nodded and kissed her once more before you tried to get down only for her to tighten her grip on your thighs. "Lemme carry you, alright?" You giggled but agreed, smiling to yourself with your head resting on her back as she carried you through the crowd of people.

You made a lot of memories growing up with your family at apple orchards, but now you know you'll be making a lot more with Taylor, and part of you hoped that one day you'd be able to create a little family with her and make some memories by doing the same with them.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz