fifth time's the charm (requested)

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Taylor looked down at the ring in her hands. She was trying to get the courage to finally ask you what she's been wanting to ask you for the longest time.

You were sitting in across from her at the table. You were completely fascinated with the view of the city lights but Taylor couldn't stop staring at you. "This is it" She whispered to herself and looked back at you. "y/n? Can we talk?" You smiled at her and Taylor felt her heart skip a beat. She's nervous, so so nervous, but she wants to marry you more than anything else in the world.

But she couldn't do it. She couldn't ask you. She felt like her heart was in her throat and she couldn't handle it. She just brushed it off saying that she'd like to take you on a vacation soon, but she was too nervous to say anything else.


A couple weeks have gone by and Taylor has tried to propose to you three other times since then, but every single time either her nerves got the best of her or something came up.

One time she tried proposing to you before breakfast, another time she tried to set up a fancy dinner in the backyard with fairy lights and your favorite music playing, but you ended up working overtime that day due to a work emergency, and the other time she felt sick from how nervous she was and she couldn't work up the nerve to ask you that night.

She was determined to do it tonight though. This time she was gonna do it. No backing down.

She watched from the distance as you stood in front of the water, listening to the sound of your laugh making her smile the way no one else could. The water washed over your bare feet and Taylor couldn't help but giggle as you backed up because it was cold.

You ran over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before going to sit down in the sand until Taylor grabbed your hand and told you to stay standing up for a few more minutes.

She looked around the beach to make sure it really was empty because she wanted this to be your thing, one of the most beautiful moments of both of your lives and she wanted you to have that private moment.

You saw that her hands were shaking so you reached out to grab them. You gently grabbed Taylor's chin in your hand and stroked her cheekbones with your thumb. "Tay what's going on?" She sighed and took your hand from her cheek to lace your fingers together. "I've wanted to do this for a while now. In fact, i've tried four times already but my nerves keep getting the best of me, but i'm not letting them do that tonight." She smiled and ran her thumb across your knuckles.

"I love you. I love you more than anything else in the world. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know i'd be a mess without you. I've been thinking about the future lately; about us, about our future together. I've realized that I can't see my future without you. You've changed my life in the most incredible way and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."

You were in tears as you realized what was going on. You gasped as Taylor opened the box, the ring the most beautiful thing you've ever laid your eyes on. "Marry me?" You smiled through your tears and nodded your head. You wrapped your arms around her neck as she slid the ring on your finger, giggling as she kissed across your face and told you how much she loves you. It was easily one of the best days of both of your lives.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now