you protect your child (requested)

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You watched your four-year-old daughter play outside while you and Taylor sat on the patio. It's a beautiful day outside and your little girl, Ellie, wanted to spend as much time outside as she could.

You and Taylor were just sitting around talking when you saw Ellie's ball go into the street. You panicked and got up with Taylor quickly following behind you. You saw the car coming and when you got closer you saw the driver was on his phone and he wasn't paying attention to what was going on.

You ran out and took the little girl in your arms, managing to get her out of the road just in time before the car came closer to you and everything went black.

You couldn't open your eyes. They were too heavy. But you could hear the sound of your little girl screaming and Taylor telling you that the ambulance was on its way. You managed to lift your hand up enough to reach for hers. She locked your fingers together and kissed your forehead. You could feel her tears hitting your skin. "Y/n? Please stay with me. I need you here, Ellie needs you here. Come on, you're the strongest woman I know, just keep hanging on for me and Ellie." Her hands kept shaking. You could barely breathe.

But then, you felt a tiny hand rest on top of yours. The little fingers rested on your bigger ones. You could feel a face bury in your neck as a little whimper left your little girl's mouth. But you lost consciousness before anything else could happen.

Taylor was pacing the waiting room area. Andrea and Scott sat with a sleeping Ellie on their laps. "Taylor? Honey, she'll be okay." Taylor was frantic. She kept going up to the nurse and begging her for info, only to be told there wasn't anything yet.

"You didn't see it..." she muttered. Tears kept streaming down her face. "I did. I saw it. I saw how badly she was injured. She was bleeding a lot and she lost consciousness. That can't be good, right?" Scott stood up and walked over to her. He pulled her in his arms, not saying a word because he knew she didn't need that right now. She just needed someone to hold her and let her cry it all out.

"Taylor?" The sound of the doctors voice caught their attention. "That's me, yeah." She said as she walked up to the doctor. "She's alive." Taylor elt out a huge sigh of relief. "But she's still not awake. It could still be a few days until she wakes up." Taylor wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked back at her mom and Ellie, looking at the little girl that was a perfect mixture of you both. "Can I see her?" The doctor nodded his head and Taylor went to Ellie, giving her a kiss on her head before following the doctor down the hall to your room.

Taylor wasn't prepared for the sight. There was no way she could be. You were hooked up to tubes and ventilators. You had a cast on your leg and you looked so bruised and cut up. "She has a broken leg, a couple of broken ribs, a slight concussion, and we had to give her some stitches in a few spots." Taylor sniffled and slowly walked over to your unconscious figure. She sat down on the chair and tangled her hands in her hair. "I'll leave you alone for a while. Let me know if anything happens."

The door closed quietly and Taylor broke down right away. She reached for your hand and held it up to her lips where she planted a bunch of kisses to it. "Y/n? Wake up. Please. I need you to wake up. I can't do this on my own. I need you. Please, I need you." She cried. But you still didn't wake up.

She woke up to a tiny hand brushing her shoulder a couple of hours later. She saw Ellie in her lap who gave her a smile and hugged her neck. The little girl cried herself to sleep. Taylor took another look at you before she closed her eyes and fell back asleep.

She awoke to the feeling of a hand squeezing hers. She opened her eyes and saw that it was yours. Tears stung her eyes and her vision was blurry, but it was clear that you were awake. "Y/n..." her voice was shaky and she started to cry when your eyes met hers.

Taylor leaned forward and wrapper her arm around you. Ellie woke up with all the moving around, her blue eyes that matched Taylor's filled with tears. "Mommy?" You carefully sat up and held your arms open for Ellie to crawl in.

She cried into your hospital gown. "Baby." Taylor whispered softly, bringing your hand up to her lips and kissing it repeatedly. She made sure not to brush against the iv in your hand but she was just so relieved and so happy that you were awake and she couldn't resist but to kiss you.

"Are you okay? Are you hurting?" You winced when you moved your shoulder but smiled anyways. "Yeah, but I'm okay. I'm just happy to be here, with my favorite girls." Ellie and Taylor both giggled and gave you a few kisses. "You saved our little girl. Have I ever told you how amazed I am by you?" You smiled and kissed Ellie's hand and Taylor's cheek. "I have to protect our little angel. I love you both so much." Taylor put her head on your shoulder and kissed your cheek. "We love you too, so so much."

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now