she meets your mom but your mom embarrasses you (requested)

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You sat with your head resting on Taylor's shoulder as the movie quietly played in the background. "Hey, darling?" You hummed when she took your fingers in her hand and intertwined them with her own. "When am I gonna meet your mom?"

You sank your teeth into your lip and Taylor just chuckled. "What?" "I don't know if I want you to meet my mom yet." Taylor sighed and turned the tv off. "Why not? Do you not get along well? I'm sorry if that's the case, I shouldn't have asked." You shook your head. "No. We get along fine, for the most part, anyways. It's just that my mom likes to embarrass me."

Taylor brought your hand to her lips and gave it a light kiss. "No need to worry about that, darling. You oughta know by now that I don't scare easily." You chuckled and smiled when she kissed your forehead. "But seriously. I love you, nothing will change that. Not even your mom. If things get too bad we can go, but I wanna meet her. You're important to me. Plus, you've already met mine. I think it's only right that I meet yours."

You nodded your head and kissed her cheek. "Okay. I'll text her later and we'll arrange a good day for you to meet her." Taylor cheered before sitting back against the couch and pulling you back in her arms so you could resume the movie.

A few days passed by before you were standing in front of the door of your moms' house with Taylor. "You ready?" You asked her and she just laughed. "Yeah. Come on, let's go in." You sighed and stood there for a second. Taylor reached to turn the knob and when she did you captured her lips with yours, bringing her in for a soft but passionate kiss. "What was that for?" She asked with a smile when you broke apart seconds later. "I don't know. I just felt like doing that." She smiled and put her arm around you as you turned the knob and went inside.

"Mom? Hello?" You heard your moms' footsteps rushing in just a few seconds later before she embraced you in a hug. "Oh, I've missed you so much." You hugged her back for a few seconds before letting go and introducing your girlfriend. "Mom, this is my girlfriend Taylor. Taylor, this is my mom."

Your mom took Taylor by surprise when she pulled her in for a huge bear hug. "Oh Taylor! I've heard so much about you! It's so wonderful to finally meet the woman that my daughter is clearly so in love with!" Taylor looked back at you when your mom said that. "Okay mom, I think that's enough. Where's dinner?" Your mom laughed and lightly smacked your arm but walked back in the kitchen anyway.

You took a few steps forward but Taylor wrapped her arms around your waist from behind and held you back. "Hey." She buried her face in your neck and smiled. "Just so you know, I'm in love with you too. Like, madly in love with you. Just thought you should know that, beautiful girl." You grinned and turned to kiss her softly. "I'm in love with you too." She kissed your cheek and guided you to the kitchen where your mom and siblings waited for you.

your brother and sister were thrilled to meet Taylor and for a few different reasons. one - because you've talked about her so much and they were happy to see how in love you both were. And two, because it was their chance to show off all your embarrassing photos.

"Taylor, do you wanna see what y/n looked like when she was a kid?" You facepalmed and whined. "Please don't show her." Taylor just chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. "Sure, why not?" Your brother led her to the living room but you stayed behind.

As strange as it sounded, a lot of your past relationships ended here. Not because they didn't think you weren't a cute kid but because you never wanted anyone to see your photos. You were insecure. You didn't like the way you looked when you were younger. You had the phase of glasses, which was one you hated. Your teeth weren't exactly straight there for a while, and truthfully you just didn't like how you looked.

A few minutes went by until you felt a familiar hand on your shoulder. "Baby? Why aren't you coming in with us?" It was Taylor. She wrapped her arms around you and moved the sleeve of your shirt to the side so she could kiss your shoulder. "I just don't feel like it." She sighed and shook her head. "No, it's deeper than that. Tell me." You sighed and tried to pull away but her grip was secure and she wasn't letting go. "I just don't like all of my baby pictures or the pictures from when I was a kid and a teenager. My mom is gonna show you all of them and I'm embarrassed."

Taylor chuckled and kissed your cheek. "Baby, I've seen a few and trust me when I tell you that you've got nothing to be embarrassed about. You were the cutest little baby and kid. You looked beautiful at every phase of your life, and you're still absolutely stunning to this day." You blushed as Taylor peppered kisses over your shoulder and to your jaw. "Really?" She nodded. "Would I ever lie to you?" You shook your head and turned to give her a kiss.

"Now, let's go see some more of those pictures, cutie." She picked you up and carried you over her shoulder, both of you laughing as more pictures were secretly taken by your mom.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin