you interrupt her in the studio because you're sick

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When Taylor left to go to the studio that morning you weren't feeling too sick. Just a hint of a fever and a slight cough.

But as time passed you started to feel worse. Being sick is never fun, but being sick when you're alone is worse, and all you want now is Taylor. You want her to hold you in her arms and remind you that it will be okay, because when you're sick you tend to be a little more emotional and she's always so intuitive with that, and she's always so quick to assure you that everything will be just fine.

So, with tears in your eyes you grabbed your keys and drove to the studio where Taylor was. You quickly ran in and back to the room where you knew Taylor was recording. You knocked on the door and impatiently waited for someone to answer.

The door opened a few seconds later and you saw Taylor in a chair by the soundboard. She got up when she saw you though and she strode over to you. She didn't waste a single second before protectively pulling you to her chest. She knew you weren't feeling all that great when she left this morning and seeing you here now was worrying her. "Darling? You okay?"

You were crying. She could tell, and that made her arms wrap around you a little tighter. "What's wrong beautiful girl? C'mon, tell me so I can help you, baby." She rubbed your back and planted a few kisses to your head. "I didn't mean to bother you" you cried against her chest as Taylor tried her best to calm you down. "You never bother me, honey. You feeling worse?" You nodded your head and Taylor kissed it a few more times before letting go of you.

"I gotta go. My girlfriend is sick. I'll come back tomorrow, as long as she's feeling better." Taylor promised as she grabbed her things and guided you out of the room. She led you out to her car, promising she'd get someone to drive yours home later on.

She knelt down on the ground outside the car to feel your forehead and she could tell right away that your fever was way higher than it was earlier. "You're burning up. Let's get you home baby." She kissed your heated forehead a couple times before getting in the car and driving home.

You ended up falling asleep on the way home so Taylor carefully carried you up to bed. You woke up when your back softly touched the mattress. Taylor cracked a small smile and softly caressed your face. "You okay darling?" You shook your head and sniffled. "No. My stomach hurts." Taylor started to rub your stomach but she stopped when she noticed that it wasn't helping.

"Do you feel nauseous?" You nodded your head, trying hard to fight the sick feeling that was creeping its way up your throat. "Is there anything you need? Anything I can get for you to help you feel better?" She wiped the tears from your eyes, peppering your forehead with kisses in an attempt to bring you some comfort. "Will you hold me?"

Taylor smiled and got into bed next to you. She lifted up the covers so she could climb underneath them with you. When she put them back down she made sure that you were tucked in since you were starting to shiver.

"My poor baby." She murmured as she wrapped her arms around you, but lightly so she wouldn't hurt your stomach more. You turned around in her arms so you could rest your head on her chest. Her hand ran up and down your back as she began to sing 'daylight' softly in your ear.

Her soothing voice and the comfort of her hand rubbing your back as she held you close in her arms made you feel safe, a feeling you so desperately needed when you felt like this. You closed your eyes and started to fall asleep when Taylor looked down at you with a smile on her face. She hated seeing you so sick.

But she was always there to hold you and get you whatever you wanted and needed, within a heartbeat. She kissed your head again, her hand moving from your back and instead tangling in your hair. She ran her fingers through it, twirling the strands around her fingertips as she listened to the sound of your soft breathing.

She was prepared to do whatever it takes to help you feel better.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now