go back to sleep

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You woke up when Taylor's leg bumped yours. You opened your eyes and were greeted with the dark bedroom. "Tay?" you felt her hand on your arm. "It's okay darling. I'm just going to grab some water. I'll be right back."

You nodded and laid your head back down on your pillow as Taylor took one last look at you before going out of the room and downstairs for a glass of water to get rid of her dry throat.

You kept tossing and turning. The bed felt so much colder without Taylor. So you moved to her side of the bed that was still warm. You put your head on her pillow and closed your eyes and closed your eyes, hoping she'd get back before you fell back asleep.

Taylor finished her glass of water a moment later and came back upstairs. When she saw you sleeping on her side of the bed it made her heart melt.

She slowly patted over to you and knelt down on the floor. She ran her hand through your hair and smiled as your eyes slowly opened. "Hey, honey. I'm back now. Wanna move back over to your side?" You shook your head but moved anyways so she could join you.

Her arms tangled around you once she was situated under the covers again. You moved your head to her shoulder. "Why were you sleeping on my side, darling?" You managed to open your eyes to glance at her but you closed them again just a second later because they felt too heavy.

"I was cold. Your side was still warm." Taylor cracked a small smile and planted a kiss to your head. "I was only gone for a few minutes." She teased as she ran her fingertips across your back. "I know. Still missed you though." You mumbled and started to fall back asleep.

Taylor laid there with a sleepy grin on her lips. Her heart felt like it might burst from all the love she felt for you. "Goodnight babydoll. I love you. Sweet dreams." She put her chin on your head and fell asleep again with you wrapped up safe in her warm embrace.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now