feels like home (requested)

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You waved goodbye to your friends before starting your descent back to your apartment. It's late; your evening class had gone a little later than usual and all you want to do is get home and call Taylor.

You love going to NYU but it's hard being away from her. She's insanely supportive of you though and she encourages you in everything you do, and you know you're lucky to have that, and her.

It's starting to get dark outside and you hate walking back to your apartment in the dark because it's a few minutes away and it can be uncomfortably quiet at times. So you unzipped your bag and reached for your headphones. You were ready to plug them in and listen to one of your girlfriends songs, when a familiar voice came from behind you.

"There's my pretty girl." You turned around and saw Taylor standing under the lamppost. You dropped your bag on the ground and ran to her, smiling when she caught you in her arms and spun you around. "Hey beautiful girl! Oh gosh I've missed you." Taylor said while kissing your head.

She carefully put you back on your feet and gave you a kiss on your lips. "What are you doing here!?" Taylor giggled at how excited you were, her hands moving to your back as she pushed your body a little closer to hers. "I missed you. It's not easy being away from my favorite girl." She grinned and planted another tender kiss to your lips.

"Now come on. It's getting late and you need food and sleep." Taylor's protective side was coming out, but you couldn't complain about it. In all honesty, you missed it. You missed her cooking you dinner and laying in bed with you as she'd hold you to her chest.

When you got to your apartment she basically ordered you to go sit down while she went rummaging through your cabinets, only to find them stacked with ramen noodles and chips. "Is this all you eat?" you laughed and walked up behind her so you could wrap your arms around her and rest your head on her back. "Yeah pretty much."

"Babydoll you gotta tell me if you need things like food, or if you need a little extra help sometimes." You looked down at your feet but Taylor tilted your chin up and kissed your nose softly. "I don't wanna burden you. I hate asking for stuff because I don't wanna be a bother."

Taylor sighed and wrapped her arms around you, smiling when you hummed from feeling so content. "You could never bother me and you are not a burden. You've never been a burden and you never will be." Taylor promised and kissed you softly before pulling her phone out from her pocket. "How does pizza sound for dinner?" She saw your eyes light up as a smile broke out on your face. "I'll take that as a yes."

You finished your last slice of pizza for the night and put your head on Taylor's chest. You could hear her heartbeat and you smiled when you realized it was beating in time with yours. She reached for your hands and intertwined them with hers.

You were both lying in your bed with the covers pulled over you both. She kept asking you how your classes were going, finding anything she could to talk about so she could cling to you a little longer. It was nearing midnight though and she knew you needed to get to sleep soon.

"I think it's time I get going." You whined and held onto her tighter. "Please don't go Tay. I don't want you to. I've missed you so much. Please." She looked down at you to see that you were crying. "You sure?" You nodded sleepily and Taylor just smiled at you. "Okay, darling. I won't go anywhere."

A few minutes passed by and you were still awake. You didn't want to go to sleep, that meant less time with Taylor.

"Honey, you need to go to sleep." Taylor whispered as she rubbed your back. "Don't want to. I wanna stay awake, with you. I don't want you to go in the morning." Taylor smiled and rubbed your back. "I can stay a few days, if you want me to." You looked up at her with a sleepy smile on your face, but she could tell that suggestion made you happy.

"Really?" Taylor nodded and giggled when you excitedly kissed her. "Sure. I've missed you a lot and it'll give me a chance to go get you some food, something you clearly need." You both laughed and you rested your head back on her chest.

"I'd love that so much." You muttered, kissing her collarbone softly. "Then it's settled. You've got me for a few days babydoll, but you've gotta show me around a little and let me shower you with cuddles and kisses after you get home from your classes." You let out a little giggle and kissed her jaw. "Sounds perfect."

Taylor dropped a kiss to your forehead and started to run her fingers through your hair, something she's really missed doing. "Go to sleep, my beautiful girl. I'll be right here with you when you wake up."

You closed your eyes, ready for a good night's sleep that you know you're bound to get from being wrapped up in Taylor's arms while she held you close and gave you a feeling of safety and love, a feeling you've missed so much. You're so excited that you get to have her by your side again for a few more days.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now