Chapter 7

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I felt so warm and comfortable. I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. I haven't been this comfortable in ages. Wait a minute. The woods aren't warm, soft or comfortable.

I jumped out of bed and looked around. I wasn't in the woods anymore. I was in the same bedroom from last time. Ugh not again. I was really angry now.

"Woah woah woah calm down." Luca tried to calm me down. He touched my arm.

"Don't touch me." I snapped and moved my arm away from him.

I pushed the covers off of me and got off the bed. I started to walk towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked me.

"I figured you'd know." I told him.

I turned the door knob but it was locked. I walked to the window and tried to open it but saw that it was locked too. I guess I can try to break it again.

"All the windows are bulletproof in this house now and all the doors leading outside are locked." He said.

I was trying my best to stay calm.

"Look Mr Black, let's talk like civilised people." I went and sat on the edge of the bed. "Kidnapping is wrong, whether or not it's for a bad cause or for love in your case. Now please, take me back home."

I hoped I knocked some sense into him. I started to walk towards the door and walked past him when he grabbed my arm.

"Luna. Try to understand-"

I pulled my arm away from him aggressively and just snapped. "Try to understand?! What is there to understand?! A man I considered a friend kidnapped me just because I rejected him! Just because you claim to love me does not give you the right to kidnap me and bring me somewhere I don't know. You won't even tell me where the hell I am! So tell me, if you were in my shoes, would you understand and act like everything's okay?!" By the time I was done, I was breathing hard.

"I do understand." He said.

"Good. Now open this door." I said walking towards the door.


I stopped and turned around. I was fuming with anger.

He walked towards me and stopped right in front of me, looking down at me. He was really tall so I had to put my head up to look at him. I'm not going to lie, I did feel intimidated. He was 6 foot, 3 and I was only 5 foot, 4. I looked him up and down, and saw that he was wearing a suit. He always wears a suit and he smells so good.

"You weren't fair too and you know it. You didn't even give me a chance. You've known me for a whole year. Have I ever done anything wrong to you?" He asked me.

"People pretend." I shut my eyes trying to push all the bad memories away.

"What do you mean people pretend? Has someone hurt you, Luna? Cause I swear I will ruin them. No one hurts what's mine and gets away with it."

"That's none of your business!"

"None of my business? It damn well is my business! I told you that you're mine and till death do us apart, I will make sure you stay happy!"

"That's not going to last very long. You know why?" I stepped forward and pointed at his chest. "Because people don't actually care about others. They promise to be nice to you and act like they will look after you. When you need them the most, they betray you and end up only caring about themselves."

My eyes got teary because all the bad memories were coming back.

"I will find whoever hurt you and ruin their life. I promise you that, Luna."

"No! You're not going to do that because for the last time, it's none of your business!"

"It is my business and that's the last time I'm going to say that!"

Ughhh this was going nowhere. We were just yelling at each other.

"We will have that discussion another time." He said. "Have a shower and come downstairs. breakfast will be ready."

"You don't tell me what to do." I said and crossed my arms.

He came really close to me and was a few centimetres away from my face.

"If you don't get your ass in the shower, I'll come and put you in the shower myself. Now thinking about it, I'll join you too."

My eyes widened.

"No, no, I'll get in myself." I said blushing.

"That's disappointing. I'm going downstairs now. Get in the shower." He said and left the room.

"Idiot." I said to myself.

"I heard that!" I heard him yell.

"Good!" I yelled back.

I looked at the window. Hmm what if he was just saying it's bullet proof so I don't escape. He couldn't make all the windows bullet proof in one day right?

I grabbed one of the vases in the room and threw it as hard as I could at the window.

The vase smashed against the window but the window didn't break. There was broken pieces everywhere. Well of course he could get all the windows done in one day. He was a billionaire after all.

"Luna!" I heard Luca coming upstairs.

Uh oh. I remembered what he said if he catches me not having a shower. He'll do it himself and join in too. Nuh that's not happening.

I ran to the bathroom and turned to closed the door. I saw a glimpse of him entering the room but I quickly closed the door and locked it.


I turned the shower on and heard a knock on the door.

"Are you in the shower Luna?" He asked me.

"Yes!" I yelled while taking my clothes off.

"Are you sure? I can break down this door to check." He asked with a cheeky tone.

"Yes, I'm sure!" I shouted nervously thinking he'll actually break down the door.

"Ok, good." He laughed from the other side of the door.

After my shower, I wrapped myself with a towel and put another one in my hair. I put my clothes in a basket taking note to wash them later.

I walked out of the bathroom going to the walk in wardrobe. I checked the wardrobe but there were no girl clothes. I guess I'll just have to wear his clothes for today and ask him if I can go back to my house to get my clothes. Maybe that would be a good time to escape because there will be people walking around.

I put on one of his boxers and a shirt that came to my knees. That's not surprising cause he's a giant. A good looking giant. Get that thought out of your head Luna. I dried my hair with the towel and decided to let my hair get air dry. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs. I needed some answers.

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