Chapter 10

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"..........My brother stay out of this."

Winter may seems cold and distant towards the girl but she really care about her. There's something about this outcast that draws her in. Winter doesn't know if it's because she missed her other comrade but the girl reminds her of Arctic in a way. Arctic is a really nice person and Winter does feel a bit lonely being the only girl in the family now that she gone abroad to Japan to train from someone her mentor knows.

Winter have the urge to walk up to the girl and start a conversation though she never really is much of a talker. "For a novice, you're not bad," Winter commented as she watched the girl punching a tree repeatedly with her bandaged hands, just like how her mentor taught her, breathing heavily. "Not as good as you Winter, close combat is your specialty after all." A voice chuckled.

Zero's astonishing aqua blue eyes pierced through Winter's baby blue ones. Zero have a cup of warm breakfast tea in one hand and a bottle of water in another, smiling as he gazed upon the young girl training diligently. "You can stop now, Lang." Zero said softly, "let's take a break. I got you some spring water." The girl punched the worn out tree one last time, snapping the tree trunk. Zero visibly flinched as she walked towards to Zero, snatching the bottle out of his hands and muttered a thanks. Winter took the cup of tea out of Zero's hands and took a sip, nodding in approval.

"Tell Hvítur he's good at making tea but I can do better." Winter said, "all I need to do is to study hard and I can make tea better than he could ever make." "How's my brother doing?" The girl asked, chugging down half of the bottle of water already. Her brown eyes shows little emotion after all she have endured and nothing fazes her anymore.

"Raven? He's doing fine," Zero reassured, "he's recovering rather quickly. Hvítur explained the fabricated situation of the car crash and now you two are staying with us until we got enough money for a flight back to your home." Zero explained. "Oh," the girl said, "at least he's recovering, which is good."

"Winter, Zero. Mister Robinson needs us." An almost monotone voice echoed. Winter and Zero both shared a look and nodded, heading indoors. Hvítur cast the girl a look before he continued. "It's best for you to come with us Lang." He said, "I feel like sir would want you there too." The girl gave the boy a nod and headed indoors with Hvítur following close behind.

Harry Robinson sipped a cup of hot cocoa with a content smile and his gaze fixed onto his young protégés. "I got a good place for us to crash," the man said, smirking as his mischievous emerald gaze pierced through Winter's cold blue eyes, "it's a mansion all the way in Scotland; it's the House of the Le Blank family whose overseas in France. There seems to be a lot of valuables there, let's go there and have some fun. Hvítur got the plan, layout and every little thing ready and I've looked over it. Hvítur have my pride. We're going there at nine. It'll also be great to bring Lang along with us to see what she've learned for the past few weeks."

Winter along with everyone else nodded. "So the plan is Hvítur stay in this hut for the night to look after Raven. I'll drive myself, Winter, Zero and Lang there to steal. Zero you shall distract the guards, me and Winter'll take them down. And then we can have some fun~! As for Lang, stay with me or Winter at all times. Watch and learn." Winter nodded with a neutral expression while Zero pouted the slightest, mumbling something about him being a distraction all the time with a light blush. Winter may have an unfazed face plastered on the outside but the truth is she's very excited. It's time for her to shine and hone her skills. Most importantly, it's a period of time for her to discreetly show off her abilities to the new girl. "For now everyone rest up. We have a long night ahead of us." Mr Robinson smirked.

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