Chapter 44

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The night devoured the dusk completely, littering the slumbering world with stars and a beautiful crescent moon. A lone helicopter fluttered silently in the evening sky with a Scottish-French redhead in control. Adrienne Le Blank stopped the aircraft in midair and gave Gaela Itenokami and Brian Speller a small nod. The duo immediately slid open the door and leaped out of the helicopter together with parachutes on their backs, holding each other's hands. Adrienne drove off with the helicopter, heading back to the Agency's airport.

The cold wind screamed in Gaela's ears and jabber her numb cheeks harshly. Gaela's injures stomach screamed in pain but the assassin ignored it all. Why can't they just drive to their destination? Because the security of London had quadrupled. With Akamai Shi, Gary Akise, the Quintessential Policeman Luke Aiden (Gaela doesn't know him well but it is said he is a cunning and assertive man who cares about Sherry very much) and the Cóir brothers talking about how unsafe London is going to be for the next few days, the police and army force had gone bonkers to making sure everyone's safe.

Even though Gaela dislike the cold wind and the aching of her stomach, Brian's warm and firm grip was more than enough to soothe all pain. When they were about a few hundred feet away from the floor, they both pulled open their parachutes.

The duo proceed to glide elegantly in the air, towards their destination: Great St. Mary's Church in Cambridge. They were used to all forms of transportation. This parachute jump reminded Gaela of the mission in Castleisland in Ireland with Brian and Maili... Speaking of the robot, Gaela heard from Brian she was destroyed. In other words, she died. Huh. Pity. Gaela was really fond of her.

Soon, the late Perpendicular styled Gothic church was in sight. It reminded Gaela of St. Peter's actually. Gaela observed the Catholic Church, her dark eyes scanning its structure. Small but visible, there were two people on top of the square tower; a brunette and a blonde. "Brian, over there," Gaela mouthed. Brian, who noticed the two as well, nodded and the duo drifted onto the giant square tower of Great St. Mary's Church.

Gaela and Brian both landed on their feet in quite a graceful manner and took off their equipment without any struggle. David Moon and Christopher Lecky watched the two, their hair being brushed softly by the night wind. It seemed the duo weren't fazed by Gaela and Brian's silent yet flashy entrance. "Hello David. It's a pleasure to see you again." Gaela greeted, "Christopher is also here it seems. Hello." Brian stayed silent.

"Well yeah of course Gaela! I heard about your recovery so I need to see you," David said with a wink, "you should've told us you're the famed Yue Xuemei. In a sense, you're like a princess. In the meeting of Quintessentials, everyone went mad hearing about you and Maria!" There was something different about David's cheerful voice as if it was all fabricated. But Gaela paid no mind to it. The assassin simply just shuffled uncomfortably which caused Brian's face to darken. There it was again; this warm feeling in Gaela's heart around David.

"Who's that?" David asked as he peered over at Brian, "your bodyguard?" As much as Gaela wanted to continue the small talk, she need him to get straight to the point. They don't have all night. "None of your business. Will you get to the point mister Moon? Akamai wants me here so there must be something you want to tell me." Gaela replied coldly, "we don't have all night." "...Heh, you never fail to intrigue me Gaela," David said with a smile that didn't seem right, "I'll get straight to the point then. Thanks for nothing." Gaela narrowed her eyes in response.

"You are sent to this school to 'protect' me from bad people right?" David asked, "you didn't do your job right. To top it off, you made matters worse. Because of you, us Quintessentials were hated by people and we have to take refuge. We are seen as arrogant prideful maniacs who only cares about power and fame. We are getting targeted — you've put us in danger. We Quints are more than what the naked eye can see. We are all passionate in what we do. We really love what we do and we got to where we are today because of that. Do you know how much effort we put into our public facade to satisfy the people?! And then you ruined it all. You socked Maria in the face, punched her in the stomach repeatedly, kicked her and spat on her face metaphorically. That investigator had gone insane because of you. She trusted you. We are all condemned as villains for Maria's understandable actions."

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