Chapter 22

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"Finally some f*cking rest." Akamai muttered as soon as she flopped onto Threatening's bed, snuggling the soft pillow. The Kashmiri who's reading a book flinched before timidly scooting over, giving the half naked dark blue haired girl some space.

Recalling the face of the Angel's Executioner, Brian opened the dormitory door with a slightly conflicted look not so different than his neutral expression and wondered in before pausing. "Put some clothes on Aka." Brian stated.

"F*ck you." Akamai mumbled as she groggily pointed the middle finger at Brian, "leave me alone I'm fine so shut the f*ck up I'm tired." "You'll catch a cold." Brian protested. "You'll catch AIDs." Akamai shot back. The stone-faced blonde narrowed his eyes questioningly. Before the tall blonde can responde, the Kashmiri peacemaker beats him to it.

"Just let Akamai rest Brian," Threatening said softly, "she works hard and she needs to sleep. Let's have lights out early. She needs plenty of rest since she needs to help run a school and handle archives and documents." "Of course." Brian agreed after a while, "you're right. You can sleep in my bed if you want since—" Brian glanced at Akamai, whose sleeping soundly, "—it seems Aka already passed out in your bed."

Threatening reddened before nodding and got off of his bed. "Allah, forgive me for seeing a woman half nude." Threatening muttered with his hands clasped together before climbing into Brian's bed. "Mr. Häyhä really needs to sort this out. Akamai did a lot of haram things and I can't help but to shutter. She doesn't do much halal things. Why does Akamai share a room with us anyways?" "Well, Aka doesn't really care about religion or gender." Brian answered, "Hm. I... I know her for a long time and I guess we just don't care much about our differences. And Mr. Häyhä know you're a respectful person so maybe that's why Akamai shares a room with us."

Threatening opened his mouth to speak but Brian's phone beats him to it. Brian muttered a small 'excuse me', checked the name displayed and answered. "Hey. Do you need anything Adrienne? It's late. You should sleep." "Huh. A-Ah—! I-It's not like I want you to worry about me or anything you idiot! B-Brian, can you go check up on Lydie and Fuze for me? I don't feel so good." Brian paused. Check up on Lydie Wang and Fuze Nethercott? Weird. "Of course Adrienne. Goodnight." Brian finally said before he hung up. Brian turned to Threatening.

"I'll be going. Rest well. Tell Aka I said she have to make your bed when she wake up. You can't spoil her forever." Brian said. The Kashmiri stifled out a laugh. "Heh, not everyone can be as stoical and efficient as you mister Prince Charming." He sighed with a small smile, "that's not how you should treat your former betrothed." Brian bit his lip before hovering his gaze over to the sleeping Akamai. "That's why our betrothal is cancelled. Aka deserves better. She doesn't deserve to marry a monster like me. Especially when I don't love her that way." With that, Brian left his dormitory.

The boys dormitory is at the west wing of the agency (which made Brian stop and think. Why is Akamai in the west wing when she's a girl? Is it because she requested it herself to be placed here so she can finally kill Brian herself or did Mr. Häyhä want Akamai to be here so that she can kill Brian?). The walk to the laboratory in the south wing isn't long; just past the communication sector where Ma171 is most of the time.

Brian walked passed the room full of computers and monitors and stared through the glass wall, seeing the sky blue haired robot bustling about, giving different locations and information to five different transceivers in different languages. It's one in the morning, that robot never rests.

Brian finally reached the laboratory and swiped his card at the door. The door opened and he was immediately greeted with two people, a silvery platinum blonde and a black haired woman, in their mid twenties bickering and squabbling about.

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