•Special Chapter: Maria's Birthday•

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Dormitory 707 was at its most peaceful state. The early morning was quiet, tranquil and quite sunny outside despite Britain is cloudy or rainy most of the time. Rays of sunlight knifed through the satin curtains and rested upon a German Irish detective who was sleeping soundly. Across the room on the other two beds was a writer and an assassin, both resting peacefully. Maria snapped open her eyes.

"HOLY F*CK. GAEY! LAI! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!" Maria screamed as she sprang out of her bed. Maria rushed across the room like an excited puppy, bouncing and skipping around as she threw on her clothes in a hurry. Gaela opened her eyes blankly as if she was never sleeping in the first place and sat up from her soft comfy bed. "Good morning Maria. Happy Birthday." Gaela greeted. Lait just mumbled something and snuggled into her supple pillow.

"C'mon Lait, wake up!" Maria yelled as she sprang onto the writer's bed, "it's my birthday! Obey me for I am the queen for the day~!" Lait mumbled some incoherent words before sitting up, rubbing her eyes. "Fine fine I get it... Happy Birthday Maria." Maria grinned before giving Lait a hug affectionate bear hug. Lait cringed but accepted the hug anyways. It's Maria's Birthday. Just let her have fun. The quirky investigator finally let go of the poor girl before rushing over to Gaela, who was halfway changing.

"Gaela can I give you a smooch?" Maria asked with puppy eyes, "please? For my Birthday?" Gaela didn't bat an eye as she continued to button her plain white shirt. "You have to ask my foster father if you can." She said blandly. Maria pouted, knowing she'd probably get murdered if she ever lay a hand on Gaela. "Any plans for your birthday?" Lait called out as she walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes in her hands, "it's Saturday. Do you want to do anything exciting?"

Maria pondered for a bit. "Nope!" She declared proudly, "I have no idea what I wanna do for my Birthday. I suck at planning!" Gaela tilted her head. "Maria. Why don't you visit your family?" Maria hesitated before shaking her head with a small smile. Family huh... Maria felt quite bitter thinking about them. "No, it's fine. I'm sure it'll be best for me not to visit them. Birthdays are supposed to be enjoyable so visiting my family is out of the list." Maria finally answered.

"You're not visiting your family?" Lait asked as she walked out of the bathroom with her plain nightgown in her arms, "why not? I'm sure—" Maria lowered her head and curled her lips. "Oh my God Lait what is wrong with you??"

Maria watched as the large window to Gaela, Lait and her shared dormitory was kicked open. A girl with untamed navy hair and a white eyepatch crawled in. Once she was in the dormitory, she brushed nonexistent dust off of her shoulders and huffed. "Geez. How can Chris climb up to windows so effortlessly? He did it with so much ease when he enters my room. And my room is at the top of this sh*tty gothic castle school."

Maria's chocolate eyes immediately brightened up. "Akamai!" Maria cheered. "Good morning Akamai!" Lait said uncertainly, confused why Akamai proceed to give Lait the signature 'What is Wrong With You Lait' look. "Mornin'. Look Lait, I know you don't have much time since you're busy and stuff but you should do more research on the Quintessentials." Akamai said gravely, "anyways let's go to the cafeteria Birthday girl." Maria grinned. "Good idea prez. Go on ahead of me and bring Gaela along. I want alone time with Lait." Akamai did as she was told to and together Akamai and Gaela strolled out of the room.

Maria gave Lait a forlorn look. "I don't think you noticed this but let me tell you something important okay? You're always away whenever there's a meeting or anything so I'll tell you what I gathered. Us Quintessentials don't always have what we want. There's a reason why many of us see principal as a parent and there's a reason why prez means so much to us." Maria paused, her mind trailing to Gary and Sherry. They had it the roughest; that's why they care about each other so much. Alfred had a tough life but not as bad as Gary and Sherry which Maria was thankful for. Alfred is a baby who doesn't deserve any bad things. Gary and Sherry too.

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