Chapter 51

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The large group of outcasts arrived in a hut deep into a forest in the middle of nowhere in the evening. They took refuge in the hut. It was a small and comfy place and Gaela would be lying if she said she wasn't fond of it. When Gaela asked Lait how did she posses such a charming hut, Lait replied with 'this isn't mine. This is my mentor Harry Robinson's house'.

It had been a day since Gaela and others escaped from the Dal business park and everyone were relaxing indoors. Well, trying to. The fireplace was lit to maximise the coziness of the place and everyone was served with tea and hot cocoa. Everyone have solemn and grace expressions on their faces, uncertain if their actions in the past were the right ones. Did they put their trust in the right people? Were they happy with the the path they chose?

A bang from the front door interrupted the peoples' thoughts and a familiar scientist with her apprentice hurried in. "Oh my god is it true you all quitted the agency?!" Lydie Wang shouted as soon as she spotted the Rí an Ghealach having tea together, "goodness. Y'all have balls of steel." "Mr. Häyhä's furious and he's definitely up to no good." Fuze Nethercott sighed, "I should say this before it's too late; I appreciate you all. You are good people and it's nice knowing you."

"Chill guys!" Rin grinned, "we ain't gonna die anytime soon! I mean, I am the main character so f*ck it. As for everyone else, idk." Everyone looked at Rin funny. "Oh yes Rin, here." Lydie said quickly and strolled over to Rin. She took off her backpack and unzipped it, revealing numerous small prescriptions boxes of medicine and whispered something in Rin's ear. For a split second, Rin's aquamarine eyes lost its spark before she went back to normal. "Thanks Lyd, you're a lifesaver," Rin chuckled.

Lait, Kami and others gave Lydie and Fuze a weird look. Threatening, seeing everyone's strange expression, spoke up. "Lydie and Fuze can track our location down." Threatening said with a small smile, "don't underestimate them. But don't worry, Lydie and Fuze are our allies." "I'm never fond of Mr. Häyhä anyways," Lydie said carelessly, "I joined the agency to pursue my dreams; to learn about everything related to science. The Agency have great funds so yeah that's it really."

Lydie's phone began ringing and everyone immediately tensed up. Gaela perked up and glanced at Lydie who frowned, clearly not expecting a call at all. The scientist fumbled with her coat pocket and took out her phone. She looked at the caller ID and tilted her head in confusion before answering, turning on the speaker. "Hello?" Lydie began, "it's not like you to call me, Rit—" "LYD, I NEED YOUR HELP!" A man on the other side shouted hurriedly. It sounded at if he was on the verge of tears. "I CAN'T FIND RIEN. AND YINYU TOO. I CALLED DAVID MULTIPLE TIMES BUT HE'S NOT PICKING UP." Sakura sprang immediately and took out her phone. "Wait Ritchie really?! I'll call Rien," she exclaimed and began dialing in a number on her phone hurriedly. No response. "Sakura? Why are you with Lydie?" Ritchie questioned shakily.

Gaela jerked up. David's not picking up calls? That was unusual. But was it the same David Gaela was thinking of? David Moon right? It must be; Gaela recall David being friends with Lait's younger brother. Fuze and Lydie shared an alarmed look, worry plastered all over their faces. Almost immediately, the platinum blonde haired man immediately unzipped his backpack and pulled out his laptop. At the same time, Kami and Lait hurried to Lydie and kinda yanked her phone off of him.

"Ritchie! What do you mean you can't find Yinyu?!" Lait asked frantically. Aisuki, Casper and Otto all looked extremely distressed, eager to hear more as they stood up from the sofas and surrounded the phone quickly. "What about Rien???" Kami cried out, "what's going on?" "Lait—?! And Kami too... oh my god I'm so sorry. It's my fault." Ritchie choked out on the other line, crying. "Rien and Yinyu asked if they can hang out with David and I agreed. I should've said no because Quintessentials dying are all over the news. Oh my god I...."

♕♚An Assassin's Faith♔♛जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें