Chapter 18

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Early next morning Akamai called the group of friends to meet her in her office urgently. Gaela thought it's just something small like did anyone lost a pencil, pen or something and talk with Gaela about urgent events such as what happened yesterday at the funfair. But it's different. Really different.

Akamai's strong arms are wrapped around the coroner affectionately and Alfred shared the same content smile Akamai has plastered on. Nevertheless, the Quintessential Bachelor and Quintessential Polyglot are like two proud parents. The Quintessential coroner brushes strands of her unique blondish ashen brown hair out of her sight before staring blankly at Gaela, beautiful heterochromatic blue and green with orange specks eyes meeting Gaela's brown ones. Lait immediately tenses up in her wheelchair, looking down at her burnt and bandaged lap while curling her lips.

"Oh my, what a surprise! Welcome back Sherry!!" Gary exclaimed, trotting over to the coroner before giving her a quick side hug. "S-Sherry Corcoran." Maria uttered out, spatting the words out of her mouth with a heavy blush while staring at her intensely. "I see where Gary is going with this. I'll show that albino b*tch—" "L-Let's calm down Marii!" Lait said nervously, "it's great to have the Quintessential Coroner back right?" "Sherry!" David cheered before rushing over to the girl, "it's nice to have you back! It feels like we're back in our good ol' secondary school Todhchaí Academy!"

"Gaela I believe you never met Sherry Corcoran before." Akamai said, shoving the coroner with her shoulder, signalling the girl to introduce herself. "No I haven't. Hello, I am Itenokami Gaela. I am a transfer student from Japan and I am the Quintessential Archer. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, please take care of me." Gaela introduced with a small bow.

Sherry Corcoran nodded, heterochromatic eyes darting up and down, contemplating Gaela's image. "Greetings, I am Sherry Corcoran. The Quintessential Coroner is at your service. May the stars align us." Gaela tilted her head in confusion as Sherry continued to contemplate her figure, nodding in approval. "You're a Sagittarius." Sherry started, "my horoscope said today's moon transit is encouraging me to take advantage of creative flow. Be on the lookout for good news and the unexpected.... My intuition is strong. Trust it. I believe our meeting here must be faith...."

Akamai chuckled with a look that reads 'here she goes again' while Maria widened her eyes. "gAELA IS MY GIRL!" She fumed. Gaela took note that Sherry is a superstitious person. "—Gaela Itenokami, let me tell you what a Sagittarius' horoscope reads today." Sherry then proceeds to pull out a bronze-gold ancient looking instrument of her satchel. "Window..." She muttered before pacing across Akamai's office and opened the velvet curtains.

Everyone in the room squinted their eyes as the rays of sunlight pierce through the glass. Gaela cursed under her breath before looking over at the coroner, who's aligning the bronze instrument with the sun rays. "Gaela, make adjustments so that you can raise your self-worth. You may feel over the edge today. Be careful and watch your back, keep those close and important to you safe because you might loose them forever today. If you're nervous or tense, listen to your heart and follow your instincts."

Gaela narrowed her eyes, confused. Nervous? She's never nervous. Those close to Gaela? She don't think she have any - she's a lone wolf who need no companionship. "Hey miss Coroner, how do you even know if Gaela is a Sagittarius or not?" Maria asked with her hands on her hips, "its bold of you to assume her Zodiac sign. Stop stealing my girl." ".....My horoscope said so." Sherry replied, "the moon is currently four houses away from Jupiter and it transmits by thirty six degrees over my ruling planet. Sagittarius' ruling planet is Jupiter and—" "I'm born on the twenty fifth of November." Gaela said.

♕♚An Assassin's Faith♔♛Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon