Chapter 23

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Me and the German tried working a few things out through long sleepless nights and countless stressful hours. Thought most of our theories didn't make much sense in the end. We tried to make up for our lost info but we couldn't remember everything fully.

We did get to know each other some more, and I made sure Germ over here takes breaks. So he doesn't overwork himself.

While we were reading some history books and writing stuff down I felt my phone vibrate, someone was calling me.

I reach into my pocket and answer the call, "Hello?"

"annyeonghaseyo! It's me Southie!"

"Oh hey South what's up?"

"Well.. none of the countries have seen you in awhile and they are wondering what you've been doing!"

I turn over to Germany and asked him with my eyes, 'Do I tell him?'

Germany shook his head,

"Oh it's nothing, I've just been feeling under the weather, Germ is helping me though and I'm almost healthy again."

"Ah ok, anyway I decided to host a concert tomorrow at XXXX XXXXXX, I hope you can make time to come over! It's at 8PM, you can come over to my place before the show, but just you though since you're a VIP,"

"Oh really? I'd love to go,"

"You can bring Germany with you, just for the concert though, but it's just really hard to get him to separate from his work,"

"Sure I'll ask him after this,"

"Alright see you tomorrow, get well soon."

Then South hung up the call, I noticed he mumbled a lot, was he nervous by chance?

"Hey germ, South is having a concert tomorrow at 8 wanna go?" I turn over to him.

"Sure, as long as you're going,"

"That was easier than expected," I went back to reading history books. "Say why didn't you want anyone to know about what we're doing?"

"I don't want to disturb or worry anyone, I'm sure I can figure this out myself, it's my problem not theirs,"

"I'm pretty sure they would've been happy to help,"

He just stayed silent, as if he didn't want to argue further about it. I respected his wishes and started working again.

The day passed by in a blur, there wasn't anything special that happened that day.


"I'm heading over to South's place," I informed him. "Sure I'll drive you," he started to get up, "no no no I'll just walk, I don't want to trouble you!"

"No it's fine really,"

"You think I didn't know you stayed up again last night even though I told you to go to bed?"


"I'm heading out now bye." I waved at him and left.

South gave me his address the night before so I just followed google maps. Which was pretty weird because on it, it seemed like I was walking across the world in 10 minutes.

"(Y/N)!!!" I was tackled into a hug, "Hey south," I laughed. "Come inside!" He pulled me into a giant traditional Korean house. He sat me down on the floor  as he pulled out a guitar from the closet. "I want you to listen to my song for the show later!" He flashed a smile at me, I nodded. I'd love to hear some K-pop songs right about now.

He rolled up his jacket sleeves and started tuning the guitar and humming a tune. My eyes fell on a very large scar that stretches out from around his shoulder to the tip of his hands. My thoughts were interrupted when South started singing a Korean song, he was amazing at music.

"Wow South you're really good!" I complimented him, he just nervously laughed. It seemed he was... disappointed?

"Mmm I have another song let me play it for you," he started tuning it again, he started off good but then in the middle all the notes were off beat or completely wrong. His hands seemed to be shaking? "Oh god Not now please," he muttered, he gave me a shaky smile before going back to his guitar.

He picked and strummed the strings but all that it made was ugly noises. I wondered what was wrong with him before he dropped the guitar. "Oh my god South are you ok?" I went to comfort him, "N-no! I'm fine!" Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Please explain to me South, you're clearly not ok!"

"F-fine! Ever since the Korean War with my brother I've had this scar on my arm and it fucked up my arm bad, now this happens!" He pointed to his shaking hand that he seemed to have no control over. "But my brother isn't bad! It's his president that messes up his mind, it gives him a lot of violent tendencies and a lot of messed up ideas but I swear he isn't bad!"

Seeing him trying to desperately convince me that his brother isn't bad is sad. It seemed like he loved his brother so much but both of them have been suffering.

"Is it acting up again?" I jumped in shock, North was now right behind me. South gave a shaky and reluctant nod, North went to the other room and gave South a bottle and a glass of water. He took out a few pills out of the bottle and helped South hold the glass of water.

"Tranquilizers?" I point at the bottle, "Ah yes, it's to help settle down the shaking but I'm sure you already know that, you've gone to med school," he scoffed in an aggressive way. Jealousy? I was about to reply coldly to him before remembering what South said about his brother so I held it in. "Sorry (Y/N)," South mumbled to me before passing out. "The one symptoms include drowsiness, just let him rest," North placed him down.

We sat in silence for a moment, "I heard what your brother said about you," I started up a conversation with him. "Ugh that idiot, but yeah, I don't even know when I am myself or not,"

"I thought it was just part of your personality, sorry,"

"No need to apologize, people usually only expect me to be a cruel leader ish sort of person, I don't actually strive to become a dictator or anything, I really want to learn medical things." I eyed him in disbelief, he wanted to learn about med? "Oh why is that?"

"I want to help people and maybe one day, I can cure my brother once and for all," he smiled for once. "But that's never gonna happen so fuck off," he shoved me out of the way and walked to the other room. It seemed like he had two personalities, the aggressive one I believe to just be the fault of his leader.


At 8 I went to the place where they set up the stage with Germ, there was a crowd of countries already waiting. All the conversations went by in a blur though.

I sat down on the front row and the curtains opened to reveal a happy go lucky South. He seemed fine now. South started playing tunes and singing amazing songs. That's when I saw North at the edge of the stage happily enjoying his brother's performance. I made eye Contact with him eventually and he ran off.

I excused myself to the bathroom but instead and I went and chased him. He went to the back stage and I followed him. That's when I saw North passed out in the corner of the room and I saw a figure messing around with the stage levers.

Suddenly they pulled a lever and I saw through the small crack through the curtains a large row of falling stage lights. I instinctively jumped over and pushed South out of the way so he didn't get hurt. The stage lights fell on me and I was bleeding to death pretty quickly but I accepted it because as always I would reset and I would go over the same story again.

Or would I?

?South and North Korea Bad End¿

Lil A/N : welcome to the last Country Bad End, time for shit to get real and for backstories to unfold. And by backstory I mean the mystery behind Nazi's final letter and the one and only special (Y/N)'s backstory ;)

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