Chapter 24

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"(Y/N) wake up! The show is almost starting!" I was shaken awake, when I turned over I saw that it was Poland. "Oh sorry, I must've dozed off," I rubbed my eyes, was it because I've been working on the letter for countless sleepless nights?

The curtains drew open again but this time I immediately excused myself to the bathroom. But instead I went back stage, there I saw the figure again. I immediately tackled them so they couldn't do anything. "Who are you? Why are you trying to hurt South?" I practically screamed at them. I pulled open the black cloak they were using but..

They disappeared


The show went by in a blur after that, although I really did like South's music. "That was amazing South," I complimented him after he got off stage. "Thanks (Y/N)," he blushed, I took his guitar and placed it in the bag. "You don't have to do that!"

"No it's fine, from what I've learn in med school, if you have that kind of medical problem then you shouldn't put too much pressure on it."

He stood there with his hands in his face, was he glowing red? That was weird.

"Oh yeah, Britain told me to tell you that we're gonna have a meeting at his place tomorrow,"

"Oh okay I wonder what's up,"

"Oh yeah! Would you like to stay with me and North today?"

"Sure I'll just tell Germany,"


After exiting the back stage I went to search for Germany, "Hey (Y/N)," I heard an America person speak to me. "Hey Ame," I waved back, "you coming to the meeting tomorrow?" He glanced over to the side. Nervousness? "Oh yeah I am,"

"See you tomorrow then!" He adjusted his glasses and waved me goodbye.

I saw Germany near a stand talking to Pol, "Hey guys," both of them jumped in shock and their faces grew super red. "H-hey," Germ stuttered, "I'm gonna stay With south today if that's ok with you,"

"Yeah I guess its fine," he rubbed the side of his neck. Disappointment? "Alright I'll see you guys at the meeting tomorrow!" I skipped back to the backstage area.

I saw South drinking some coffee on the couch, "it's a go," I did a thumbs up at him and he replied with a thumbs up back. "North is gonna pick us up, too bad he didn't come watch me, he never does anyway, but I don't mind." He took another sip. If only he knew that North was just too embarrassed to be seen watching his brothers performance.

Then we heard a knock on the door, I opened the door and North waltzed into the room, I guess a little hesitant to see me. "Let's go, I don't wanna stay here any longer than I need to," he said in a raspy voice. South nodded and gathered up his things, he used his free hand to grab me and drag me with him.

The car ride was silent to say the least, South dozed off in the car I guess due to exhaustion.

"So.. you were there weren't you?"

"What are you talking about,"

"You were watching his performance,"


"It's fine to admit it,"

"Yes I was there, does it matter?"

"South would love to see you cheer for him,"

"Why were you running backstage?"

"Huh? It's... nothing I guess,"


When we got back, the rest of the night was uneventful. Other than drinking a little with North there's nothing else that happened, both of us could hold our liquor so there wasn't much of a problem. "I guess I just don't want my brother to see me there, ya know I kinda felt guilty for his uh.. hand..." his voice trailed off. We both ended up venting to each other and discussing our problems. We got closer to say the least.

"Are you coming to the meeting tomorrow?" I spin my tiny glass filled with alcohol. "If you count being forced there then yeah," he chuckled. "My brother has taken a liking to you, at first I didn't know why but now... well I guess you could say I find you quite fun to be around," he said under his breath.

"That's sweet, I'm glad I could be a great friend to you!"

"Y-Yeah sure," he huffed in dissatisfaction.


"Come on (Y/N)~ we should get going or else Germ will yell at us again," South pouted, he seemed to have been fully recharged now. "Sorry I need to get my bag!" I shout back, still rummaging around for my bag.

I heard an 'ahem' behind me, I turned around and North was there with my bag. He handed it over to me all flustered, huh that's funny, he's usually pretty mean.

"Thanks," I flashed a warm smile at him before he marched off. I could see his red face before leaving the room.

When we got to Brit's house I was greeted with a overjoyed France. "Bonjour (Y/N)!!!" He walked up to me, "here!" He handed me a lunch box filled with pastries. "These look delicious thanks France," I eyed the box happily, France just his his flustered face behind his hands and led me inside where everyone else was waiting.

All the countries that I've interacted with the most were there. There was America, Russia, Poland, France, Britain, Germany, Japan and of course including North and South. It seemed like the only ones who knew what the meeting was for was Germany, Poland and Britain but they seemed to be trying to stay silent as much as they can.

Like... buying time?

"So you must be wondering why I've gather everyone here," Britain started. All the countries including me turned to him, listening attentively. "Germany, explain." He gestures for the German man to start talking.

"Well this is a meeting mostly regarding (Y/N) and her future," he turned to me and blushed. "I'd just like to say that.."

"I've figured out a way to take her back to the human world.."

My eyes widened in shock, after so long he finally had the solution to this problem. At first I couldn't wait to go home but now... I'm not even sure anymore. I'm afraid it would mean I would have to leave all my friends that I've made here right now, and I don't really want that.

"We'll take her back after thi-"

"Not so fast, the girl isn't going anywhere," I turned over behind me and there stood a figure...

A/N : HMMmmmMmmM who's that? I wonder. Shit is about to get real AHAHAHHAHAHAH

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