Chapter 28

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As his final words escaped his mouth, I kneeled there, processing what he just said. Then it hit me. I couldn't believe it, he did try to kidnap us, why would I believe him?

"Stop fucking joking around, I'm not up for your games!" I snarled. "Hm? But all I said was the truth," he grinned, "I clearly have all my memories, I've lived my life and there's no way I'm a hecking experiment!"

He still grinned at me, he lifted my chin, "Is that so?" He laughed. "Then tell me your parent's name," he retracted his hand and stood up again. I opened my mouth to answer before stopping. What was my parent's names? I didn't know. "I-I don't know."

I lowered my head in defeat, no. All those times in the human world didn't mean anything? I've been desperately trying to go home, only to be faced with the truth that...

I didn't belong anywhere.

I'm not human. I'm a defect in this universe, I will never be human nor will I ever find true happiness.

A true happy ending doesn't exist does it?

I turn over to the crowd of countries with guns pointed at their heads, ready to fire at any moment. I could tell my eyes were filled with guilt. They watched me with horror painted expressions plastered across their faces. Thats right.. I used them, I brought them here. If they end up dying then it's all my fault. I gave them fake happiness and artificial memories that were never meant to happen. Tears rolled down my face, my shoulders slumped to show I had given up.

What was the point in fighting back my faith anyway? "Believe me now?" He chuckled, "(Y/N), or should I say, #602, well done, you've served your purpose."

Just in a split second I could see, my duplicate, wait no, my twin sister watching from afar. Her red eyes illuminated through the darkness, it stood out. No wonder I couldn't bring myself to hate her, she was my sister.


They don't know she's alive, they assumed she was dead when they couldn't find her. She hid her status for all these years. She swiftly walked over to a machine and pressed a button, I could move again. But I pretended to still be immobile, while he was busy telling his assistants what to do I nodded to my sister with tear filled eyes. Very thankful for what she has done. There were cameras here, yet she risked her whole life to give me a chance to win this fight.

An assistant immediately ran over to the head, they must've seen the camera recording. I ran over to an unattended gun on the floor and started shooting at the people who we're keeping the other countries hostage. They all dropped dead, In a flash I ran over to them and released them. They all grabbed a gun and we started to fight back.

"SHIT! They got out! Immobile her!" He pointed at the machine, my sister appeared behind the head and pointed at the side of her neck. Then she was knocked out before she could escape. "#603! She's alive!" An assistant shouted, "keep her contained too, we'll restart her memory so we can use both." He waved them off. I was so mad.

Then someone pressed a button on the machine and I fell to the ground paralyzed. The head laughed. I hissed at him as the other fought for their lives. I knew I had to face the head one on one. He walked over to my immobile body and took the gun under my arms. "Well I guess one experiment is good enough," he pointed it at me.

"I will never let you have my sister! Nor any of the countries." With all my might I reached into my neck and pulled out a microchip embedded in my body. I was bleeding but I didn't care, I could move again. I tackled him and swiped the gun away. I didn't waste a single second. I pointed the gun at his head, he flinched but said nothing. "Just kill me already, I don't have the chance to win anymore," he still laughed through it.

"I respect you for your resolve, you are very brave, I'm sorry it must end like this."


With one last final word I pulled the trigger. Blood splattered on my clothes, "(Y/N)!" I heard a voice behind me. I turned over, the countries immediately tackled me into a hug. "Oh my gosh (Y/N) I seriously thought you were gonna die!" Japan started to get all teary. I felt nothing.

"Are all the scientists exterminated?" I simply said, "W-well yes but-" France muttered. "Good, then I'll leave, for good this time." I walked over to the exit.


I glanced back, my sister who was now free reaches out for me. She hugged me. "I'm sorry I didn't help you sooner, I know you have mixed feelings right now but you are human just know that, whatever they created you to be doesn't matter! As long as you want to change," she started to cry. I was startled and just stood there. All the countries were watching, all were pretty ready and worn out. "T-thank you," I sobbed.

But this time it was tears of joy.


I sat in my bed contemplating my decisions, I knew I was happy her with everyone. My sister couldn't fully become human like I could due to her special conditions but I could still meet her. I'm just afraid I'll hurt everyone again like before. What if I did?

We decided to let everyone rest, it's been a long day.

"You won't don't worry,"

I jumped up in surprise, my sister was sitting next to me. "Jeez don't scare me like that," I chuckled. "You're more human than any human I've ever met so don't worry!" She gave a dorky grin. I laughed. "Yeah I'm kind of stupid for thinking I couldn't have a normal life anymore now, I'll live a better life now."

"Hey, you know, you're pretty lucky to be born with a great name, I wasn't." She mentioned out of no where. "But before I murdered all the old countries against my will, I actually had fun with them, they showed me lots of things and it made me resist what the lab was doing." She stared off into space. I listened attentively.

"They even gave a something the lab would never consider giving me,"

"An actual name." She laughed.

"They said my eyes were as red and fiery and amber,"

"And so they gave me the name Amber."

"They also made me experience true happiness and I'm grateful for that, I hope you'll find happiness in whatever you're doing from now on."

She gave me a heartwarming smile.

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