Long time!

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Whoa! Feels like centuries have passed. How are you all, guys? I miss this feeling that comes with TAL only!

Just wanted to share a couple of things with you.

1. Do you really miss the poetic feeling of TAL too? There is a bonus chapter coming really soon.

2. I felt like doing something TAL again so I started writing The Way She Smiles (please go to my profile and find it). It is super short and has just a few short chapters remaining. I am specifically asking you guys as you're familiar with the tone of TAL and gave me really beautiful feedback.

3. Maryam_Jaffar__ just did my interview and I tried to remain as original as I could! Go and read that in case you want to know more about me! It has interesting questions that I guarantee you.

4. Out of love, please go and see The Way She Smiles. I need your support!



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