Chapter 16 - Teddy Bear

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Ivan POV 🌸

"Estrella?" I gasped, he looks at me and than looks at the position he's in. "Oh my god, I just dropped something babe. I-I wasn't proposing, sorry" he said guiltily. "False alarm, I though for second you were gonna propose right here, right now Mr. Estrella!" Gingham chuckled out.

My cheek tints to a warm pink, awkward.

"Where's Micheal?" Estrella asked "Bathroom" Gingham answered. "Oh! Ivan I almost forgot come here!" Gingham didn't even give me choice, he grabs my hand and drags us off to an isolated area in the hotel suite. "Why are you kidnapping me Gingham?" He giggles "I wanna show you the presents I got you! They're a little naughty so I didn't want everyone to see it" he winks at me and I roll my eyes in response. "Can sex, not be in your mind 24/7" I groaned out.

He scoffs "If sex isn't in the sentence my brain ignores it" he huffs out "Now for your present!" He said excitedly. He leaves me by myself for a few seconds before coming back with a bag, shoving it in my face, all the while he had a mischievous grin on him.

"Don't just stand there, open it!" He said cheerfully. I cautiously open the bag, checking to see if any fluids or toys come flying out. "Bitch, I didn't put a bomb in there" he groaned. "Fine" Im still anxious, what if a dildo bitch slaps me when I open it?

"Oh for fucks sake Ivan! I got you underwear!" He said annoyed. I sigh, that was stressful, he wouldn't understand, he's so unpredictable when it comes to presents so I'm always when he buys me one...  "And 15 flavors of lube" he said quickly.

"Huh!? Gingham!" I whined out, he shrugs his shoulders "Sorry babes, they were in sale and I had to get some for you" my head tilts. "15 is some?" I deadpanned, he nods "Yeah I got 50 for me and Micheal" I facepalm, they run on sex I swear.

After 5 minutes of Gingham forcing me to try on the underwear I escape the room and back into the living area where everyone is at. "Hey Ivan! It's been a while!" Amanda chirped, she seemed off, she was overcompensating with an exaggerated smile and an extremely peppy voice. I'm not one for the fake attitude so I confront her.

"What's wrong Amanda" I asked sternly, she falters but quickly regains the fake happiness etched on her face. "Ivan I have no idea what your talking about! I just wanna talk!" She defended, she was looking at someone behind me, communicating purely with her eyes, like those parents who can't scold there kids in public, but give them looks of terror instead. I turn around and see that it's Estrella gesturing to her. When he realizes I'm watching he spins his head back around and starts talking to someone as if nothing happened. I snap my head back at Amanda, what are they hiding.

In fact looking at everyone, they seem to be making quick stares at me before looking somewhere else or quickly resuming the conversation they chose to pause in order to look at me.

"What the hell is going on Amanda!" I said angrily "I have no clue what you're on about Ivan, I just wanted to talk to you!" I scoff "Please! You were t-"
Estrella grabs my hand and yanks me away from her "Hey baby! How are you enjoying Paris?" He rushed out nervously, ok what the hell is going on!

I remove my hand from Estrella's and pull him by his tie till we were face to face "What the hell is going on Estrella?" I gritted out. He shuffles nervously "I-I d-don't know what you're talking about?!" He answered anxiously. "Do I look stupid Estrella! Everyone here is hiding something from me, I want answers, now!" I growled out "H-have you lost it baby? Nothing is happening!" He said nervously, he had anxiousness written all over him. He had me backed against a wall while he blocked my front view with his body. I heard shuffling and muffled whispers "What's happening back there!?" I said angrily, "Baby relax, it's nothing! Really!" He said, putting on a relaxed facade.

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