(Chapter One- Out of time)

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'After Chip was put to sleep by Garnet Pearl and Garnet had a "Chat" it mostly consisted of Garnet scaring the daylights put of Pearl, Garnet managed to convince Pearl that Chip is not a threat to them and that she would not take any notion of that idea lightly'

'A few days have passed and the Crystal Gems are out following a large robonoid to see where it goes, Chip was left at the beach house since he was recharging'

'However what the Crystal Gems dont know is their favorite robo boy has vanished into thin air leaving the beach house empty'

Chip: "What happened?" 'Chip asks tiredly as he sits up, instead of the soft couch beneath him he feels a hard stone floor'

'Chip stands up with his eyes having a distorted glowing blue blurr in each, he bangs his hands on his head for a moment causing his eyes to return to normal'

'Chip's eyes widen as he looks around his surroundings, he is standing in a large room with pink highlights, as he turns around he is face to face with a large pink throne that looks like it was made for a giant'

Chip: "Where am I?"

'Chip's thoughts are cut off by the sound of the large door opening, a large woman with pink hair walks into the room, her entire body is covered in some shade of pink including her skin, her eyes are a glowing pink with a Diamond shaped iris she also seems to have a pink diamond on her abdomen'

???: "I swear they will never stop treating me like a child" 'The woman says as she absently walks over to her throne, Chip quickly backs up causing himself to trip loudly'

'The woman turns to Chip with wide eyes and a alarmed expression, her eyes soften slightly before she crouches down to her knee's to get a better look at the boy'

'Upon closer inspection the woman dosent look as tall as her throne would suggest, she seems to be around eighteen feet tall'

???: "How did a human get in here...." 'The woman asks herself curiously as she reaches forward carefully'

Chip: "Wait!" 'Chip says raising his voice for the first time causing both himself and The woman to show surprised looks'

???: "You...can talk...." 'The woman says in disbelief as she slowly brings her hand back to her side'

Chip: "I didnt know I could get that loud..." 'Chip says going back to his quiet and shy demeanor'

???: "I've never heard of a human capable of speach, let alone being fluent in the common tongue! What is it your kind calls you?" 'The woman says in a soft voice causing Chip to calm down slightly as he stands up'

Chip: "M-My names Chip ma'am and I'm actually n-not human" 'Chip says nervously causing the Woman's eyes to widen'

???: "May I get a better look at you?" 'The woman asks softly as she holds out her hands'

'Chip hesitantly steps onto her hands, the woman brings her hands upto eye level only having to be a few feet off the floor due to her crouching down'

???: "Oh my! You really arent human! You certainly fooled me" 'The woman says with a happily surprised voice as she examines Chip'

Chip: "Yeah, My mom says I'm a Metamorin, whatever that is" 'Chip says causing Pink to tilt her head in confusion'

???: "I've never heard of your species, what exactly are you?"

Chip: "I-I dont really know....My mom said my people were like.. living machines or somthing like that, I mean my insides are all metal and stuff" 'Chip says softly causing the taller woman to hum to herself'

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