(Chapter Four- Responsibility)

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Yellow: "Well this is certainly quite the development!" 'Yellow says in a suprised tone as she looks Chip over, closely examining his new form'

Chip: "Well whaddya think Yellow? Do I look like a proper Diamond now?" 'Chip asks in a dramatic voice'

Yellow: "Why yes you do, you look quite sophisticated I must say" 'Yellow says in humoring Chip'

'Chip beeps to himself happily as he stands with his walking stick a proud smile on his face'

'Yellow looks over to Blue who seems to be rather excited over the sudden development'

Yellow: "Pearl, can you entertain Neon for a moment, I have to speak to Blue" 'Yellow says catching both Blue's and her Pearl's attention'

Y.P: "Of course My Diamond" 'Y.P says  turning to Chip only to see him looking at his walking stick'

'Yellow takes Blue's hand and leads her over to the opposite side of the room, a serious look on her face'

Yellow: "Did you finish what you needed to do?" 'Yellow asks in a hushed voice Causing Blue's eyes to light up'

Blue: "I did yes, but there is a problem.."

Yellow: "What Problem?"

Blue: "The.....project has a issue. We need.....a containment unit for it aswell" 'Blue says causing Yellow to sigh in frustration rubbing her eyes'

Yellow: "What?"

Blue: "It does not produce energy on it's own, so it needs to be powered by an external source" 'Blue says causing Yellow to sigh to herself tiredly'

Yellow: "Well....go speak to my Peridot's perhaps they have the old blueprints on file still within the server system, I shall...keep him distracted" 'Yellow says in thought'

Blue: "How will you do that?" 'Blue asks causing Yellow to shudder slightly'

Yellow: "I will....figure it out" 'Yellow says before a sudden gasp catches both Blue and Yellow's attention'

'Chip is standing with his eyes turned into a sparkling star shape, his walking stick once again can be seen glowing a bright blue'

'Yellow Pearl's appearance can be seen changed, she can now be seen wearing a Yellow and White dress with a sun hat, a look of both confusion and bewilderment on her face'

'As the glow from Chip's walking stick dies down Y.P's outfit fades and she returns to normal breathing a sigh of relief'

'Blue chuckles to herself before walking over to Chip leaning down to his height as she does so'

Blue: "I must leave to attend to some business, I shall be leaving you with Yellow for a little while longer again" 'Blue says causing Chip's smile to falter slightly'

Chip: "And I'm assuming you arent going to tell me WHAT exactly you are doing?" 'Chip asks resting his walking stick behind his back'

Blue: "You would be correct" 'Blue says with an amused smile'

'Blue stands back up and begins walking out of the room, as the door opens she waves back lightly just in time for the door to close'

Chip: "So! what are we going to do?" 'Chip asks with a smile and a twirl of his walking stick'

'Yellow hums in thought before she sighs to herself walking towards Chip'

Yellow: "Well I had planned to help you plan for your first kindergarten....however we would need White's approval, and I doubt she would awnser if I ca-"

'Yellow is cut off a by a Blinding white beam of light entering her room inbetween Her and Chip'

'The light dies down causing Yellow to go wide eye'd as her Pearl gasps loudly before performing the Diamond Salute'

'White Diamond can be seen standing slightly crouched down in Yellow's room, in her hands is a very startled and confused looking Chip'

White: "Oh nonsense Of course I would awnser if it involves my favorite Diamond in training" 'White says in her usual sweet tone of voice completley unaware of the shocked and slightly alarmed look on Yellow's Face'

Yellow: "W-White! What are you doing here?" 'Yellow asks with a stutter in her voice as she does her best to remain composed'

White: "Did you really expect me to miss his first transformation?" 'White asks with a smile as she turns around to face Yellow, still having to lean down slightly'

Yellow: "This is the first time I even heard of you leaving your head in THOUSANDS of years!" 'Yellow says doing her best to gauge the situation'

White: "Well this is a rather important is it not? Neon Diamond has finally transformed into his half Diamond state, not only that but it is time for him to start planning his FIRST Kindergarten" 'White says turning to Chip looking down at the still slightly shaken Metamorin/Gem hybrid'

Chip: "S-So all I have to do is choose a planet or somthing to use as a Colony?" 'Chip asks managing to snap out of his daze'

White: "That is correct! I already have a list of interstellar bodies for you to choose from" 'White says proudly causing Chip to jump upto his feet'

Chip: "Oh! I know the perfect place to look for one!" 'Chip says taking out his Walking stick as the diamond shape on it glows'

'Chip swipes the walking stick towards the ground creating a portal, he then jumps off of her hands through the portal'

'White blinks in surprise before a amused smile crosses her face, she then turns her head to Yellow'

White: "He is certainly a fast learner, I shall take care of his planning for his kindergarten" 'White says before a flash of light engulfs her, once the light dies down Yellow falls into a sitting position'

'Yellow then activates one of her screens before tapping it, a Blue Diamond appears on the screen as Blue's voice comes through'

Blue: "Yellow, did somthing happen?"

Yellow: "White took Neon....." 'Yellow says in disbelief'

'Elsewhere in the Diamond base a small portal had opened in the holographic projection room Blue showed Chip'

'Chip comes jumping through the portal stumbling slightly as he lands from the momentum he had from jumping as White appears in a flash of light behind him'

'White looks around curiously while still having to crouch down slightly due to her being much taller than the other Diamonds, she looks over to Chip watching him fly up to the center of the room as a map of the solar system lights up'

White: "I forgot how...confined everything within the facility is" 'White says as Chips looks at the solar system, he goes from homeworld all the way to a large asteroid picking it up with two of his fingers before zooming in on it'

Chip: "Solar body four thousand four hundred and ninety five is a large asteroid within the asteroid belt sorrounding the solar system, the one material present on the floating rock is a solid form of iron oxide" 'Chip reads aloud as White looks it over, a curious look on her face'

White: "Are you certain you wish to use a asteroid? A planet would work far better for a colony" 'White says tapping her finger on her Chin'

Chip: "Yeah I'm sure, this way creating the Gems wont destroy any living material" 'Chip says causing White to sigh to herself'

White: "Well...allright I will allow it. However this will be YOUR responsibility once it is started, I will let Blue know to aid in the management of the colony" 'White says her voice turning much more serious'

Chip: "Allright. It'll be nice to keep myself distracted" 'Chip says quietly as White stands looming over him with a empty smile on her face'

*To be continued*

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