(Chapter Six-Back To Homeworld...Again)

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'Inside of the Ecplise, Chip and Aurora can be found prepping the ship to Lift off and return to homeworld'

'Chip was obviously less than pleased about returning to Homeworld, but given it was to help the corrupted Gems that had been bubbled over the thousands of years the Crystal gems had been around he didnt have much choice in the matter'

'Garnet had talked to Aurora prior to everyone getting ready to leave. Garnet made it clear that she wanted Aurora to keep a close eye on Chip, not that she hadnt already planned too'

'While she was more than thrilled about Chip finaly asking her out. She was still very worried about him. Through the short time they had been back on the Eclipse his mental state had already begun to decline'

'Even just the mention of Homeworld seemed to cause some sort of tick to go off in his mind'

'At the moment she is currently standing next to Chip as he interfaces with the ship, begining its launch sequence'

'As the ship begins to lift off, Aurora finds herself pacing to keep herself entertained'

Chip: "What?"

Aurora: "What do you mean?"

Chip: "I can literally feel you pacing, whats wrong?" 'Chip asks curiously while flying the ship'

Aurora: "What. I cant be worried about you?" 'Aurora asks teasingly as she leans over the back of Chip's seat'

Chip: "Well considering the more recent....developments. It is understandable. It still bothers me that you do however" 'Chip says trying to focus on the flight as the Ecplise positions itself into an upward angle'

Aurora: "Seriously? It bothers you that I'm worried about you?" 'Aurora asks slightly confused'

Chip: "Yes it does. You likley have a multitude of other things to worry about that are more important than worrying about me" 'Chip says with a sigh earning a frown from Aurora'

'Aurora quickly reaches around the seat wrapping her arms around Chip, causing him to Jump momentarily before Aurora rests her chin ontop of his head'

Aurora: "You shut up about that. I'll worry about you as much as I damn well please. Got it?" 'Aurora says with a soft yet clearly serious tone in her voice'

Chip: "Do I have a choice in the matter?"

Aurora: "No. Now shut up and let me be loving and supportive" 'Aurora says coldly earning a sigh from Chip'

Chip: "Message received" 'Chip says shaking his head, a small smile forming on his tired face'

'As Aurora grins pleased with her small victory the ship rocks lightly as it's warp drive activates, sending a sonic boom over Beach City once again'

Aurora: "So! What's the plan for talking to White?" 'Aurora asks hesitantly as Chip disconnects from the ship'

Chip: "Well without a doubt I believe that White wont hear a single word Steven or the other Diamonds have to say....but she might just listen to me" 'Chip says in thought'

Aurora: "I dont think that's a good idea" 'Aurora states bluntly'

Chip: "And why is that?"

Aurora: "Because you arent in the most.....stable, frame of mind right now, and talking to White might only aggravate your condition" 'Aurora explains calmly, doing her best to not sound rude'

Chip: "Yes I am well aware of that fact. But it may be one of the only options we have..." 'Chip says with a sigh'

'Aurora crosses her arms while narrowing her eyes at Chip, after humming to herself for a moment'

Aurora: "Allright. Fine. But if I see you starting to slip again I will step in" 'Aurora says warningly'

Chip: "I make no promises!" 'Chip says with a light smile '

'After the conversation ends the two sit in relative silence, waiting to arrive at their destination'

Aurora: "So how log is it untill we get to homeworld?"

Chip: "Says here we wont arrive for another fourty Five minutes" 'Chip says with a confused tone in his voice'

Aurora: "Is there somthing wrong with the Hyper Drive?" 'Aurora asks in confusion'

Chip: "No..it says all systems are operating at full capacity still..."

Aurora: "Did it take that long on the way to earth?"

Chip: "I cant remember..." 'Chip says with a nervous Chuckle'

*To be continued*

(I apologize for the shorter part, I have gotten rather sick as of late)

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