(Chapter Five- You're Not Alone)

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'Chip wakes up to find himself laying on his bed within his quarters, a look of exauhstion visible on his face'

'Chip sits up only for Aurora to push him onto his back by placing a hand on his chest while she sits on the edge of his bed'

Aurora: "If you get up I will personally knock you back out" 'Aurora says with a stern tone, her eyes glowing a navy blue color'

Chip: "What.....happened?" 'Chip asks with his eyes switching on, a grayish blue glow coming from them'

Aurora: "B.P came in here carrying you, somthing about a system malfunction" 'Aurora says with a sigh'

Chip: "I-I think I'll go get another scan from Stretch" 'Chip says struggling to sit up'

'Aurora sighs before pushing Chip back down onto his bed a look of defeat on her face'

Aurora: "Yellow poofed Stretch.....then she bubbled her..." 'Aurora explains causing Chip to push himself up with a confused look, almost as if he hadnt heard her right'

Chip: "She did what?" 'Chip asks with a hint of anger in his voice'

'Aurora sighs noticing the red tinge Chip's eyes had taken, Aurora quickly gets up as Chip forces himself to his feet, metallic groan coming from his legs'

Aurora: "Chip you need to calm down, getting riled up will likely only aggravate your condition" 'Aurora says standing infront of him'

'Chip looks down at Aurora his Diamond shaped eyes having turned a grayish red color'

Aurora: "Look if you wont do it for yourself atleast do it for me? I really dont like seeing you in such a unhealthy state" 'Aurora asks softly, a worried look visible on her face'

'Chip sighs to himself, his eyes turning back to a dull Blueish gray color, however the lower part of his eyes have turned a dull Pink color'

Chip: "Fine..." 'Chip says begrudgingly sitting back down on his bed'

'Aurora sighs in relief as she sits down next to Chip, after a moment of silence Chip reverts back to his Metamorin form, a look of exauhstion visible on his face'

Aurora: "What's wrong? Cant keep your Diamond form up?" 'Aurora asks teasingly, doing her best to lighten the mood'

Chip: "No I could, this form just feels more....comfortable. it's not a reflection of what I was supposed to be" 'Chip says placing a hand over his gem subconsiously'

Aurora: "It just feels like you, right?" 'Aurora asks in understanding earning a nod from Chip'

'Silence quickly falls between the two hybrids, however it wasnt an awkward silence it was more peaceful if anything'

'Aurora looks at Chip who is currently examining his walking stick, clearly frustrated with being stuck in the room'

Aurora: "So what are we going to do?" 'Aurora asks cautiously'

'Chip sighs before placing down the walking stick next to him, he then rubs his eyes still clearly tired'

Chip: "I give up. I'm done" 'Chip says catching Aurora by surpise a little'

'Aurora watches as Chip begins to grow slightly more agitated, his eyes flickering a dull orange color'

Chip: "No matter what I do, no matter what I try, they just never get it! Sentient things shouldnt be treated like slaves..." 'Chip says placing his hands on his head'

Chip: "I thought If anyone could get through to them, it would be me. I tried explaining to Yellow before the trial what Steven actually was and she told me to "Be quiet and listen to her" as if I didnt know any better" 'Chip says clenching his hands into fists'

Chip: "Oh and dont even get me started on White! I've seen her enough times to count on one hand. She acts like she cares about what I think when she dosent...."

Aurora: "What about Blue?" 'Aurora asks with a hint of curiosity in her voice'

Chip: "Blue....tries to understand. She really does, but she also tries to hard too be a motherly figure. She is not my mother. She did not raise me" 'Chip says with a sigh as a look of defeat crosses his face'

Chip: "I dont know what to do, if I stay here i run the risk of snapping but if I go back to earth I'm putting everyone in danger!" 'Chip says with his eyes turning a dull grey color'

'Aurora watches in a mixture of surpise and worry as Chip starts to break, she knew he was acting tough and trying to handle everything by himself. But now she knew why, and she wasnt happy about it'

'Aurora takes a deep breath calming herself as her eyes turn from a dull red to their usual purple color. Once calm enough she scoots closer to Chip'

Aurora: "You know you don't have to deal with everything by yourself right?" 'Aurora says causing Chip to look over at her, his eyes still grey'

Aurora: "Sure us Metamorins are built to last but....even we weren't made to fight alone all the time" 'Aurora with a soft smile'

'Aurora gently takes Chip and brings him into a hug, Chip hesitates momentarily as if unsure of what to do before he timidly returns the hug'

Aurora: "You've got your family back on earth to help you. And even then you have me, okay?" 'Aurora says softly as she places her chin ontop of Chip's head'

'Aurora waits for a response only to be met with silence, and a slight sense of confusion joining it'

'The silence is softly broken by the sound of a low engine like rumble coming from Chip, the sound getting louder and softer in tune with his breathing'

'Aurora Pulls back from the hug in confusion only to go wide eye'd when she looks down at Chip'

'Chip had fallen asleep, infact he seemed much more at peace than he had been in the past three weeks combined'

'A dull pink glow can be seen coming from under his eyes, the glow also seems to be growing louder and quieter in tune with his breathing'

'Aurora finds herself in a stunned state not knowing quite how to react, a dull pink hue growing on her hair and eyes'

Aurora: "You're lucky you can be so damn adorable...." 'Aurora grumbles to herself with her eyes going black as she herself grows tired'

*To be continued*

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