(Chapter Five- A Semi Normal Day)

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'Inside the beach house Aurora can be seen sitting at the couch quietly playing a game on her hud, when she woke up she was laying on the couch with no one in the house so she decided to just kinda wait'

'After a moment Chip comes walking out of his room wearing a large grey hoodie and sweatpants, his hair can be seen matted down on one side'

'As he floats down the steps Aurora chuckles to herself clearly amused with Chip's drowsy state'

Aurora: "Sleep well?" 'Aurora asks as Chip sits next to her, earning beep of approval from him'

Chip: "Where'd everyone go?" 'Chip asks in a drowsy voice as he opens his eyes showing them to be glowing a dull green color'

Aurora: "Not a clue, I woke up and they were gone" 'Aurora says causing Chip to hum to himself'

Chip: "Legs go find out!" 'Chip says getting up and walking outside'

'Aurora quickly follows him only to see him floating a few feet in the air waiting for her, a cocky yet still tired grinn on his face'

Aurora: "What?" 'Aurora asks as she boosts into the air hovering infront of Chip'

Chip: "Wanna race?" 'Chip asks curiously earning a chuckle from Aurora'

Aurora: "Only if you think you can beat me bye!" 'Aurora says quickly flying through the air creating a burst of wind'

Chip: "Wha- HEY!" 'Chip calls out, his thruster glows bright Blue before he blasts off creating a sonic boom as he does so'

'Chip manages to catch up to Aurora rather quickly much to the surpise of the female robot/gem hybrid'

'Chip flies infront if her turning onto his back to look at her as he waves'

Chip: "Toodles!" 'Chip says before a large pair of thrusters form on his back letting him boost off into the distance leaving Aurora quite literally in the dust'

'Aurora chuckles darkly before her thrusters turn a purple color and she boosts off aswell doing the best she can to catch upto Chip'

'Chip's hud beeps catching his attention, he turns his head as he comes to a stop, looking down his vision Zooms in onto Steven as he's walking with Connie'

'Moments later Aurora ends up flying right into Chip causing a loud metallic clang to erupt from them as they knock heads and plummet to the ground'

'Steven and Connie watch as a large explosion of dirt erupts in the nearby treeline followed by the ground shaking momentarily'

'When the two arrive to the seen they find both Chip and Aurora looking Very dazed both of them being slightly pained aswell'

Aurora: "Why....did you stop"

Chip: "I saw Steven....I wasnt expecting you too careen into me..." 'Chip says as he lays on his back'

Aurora: "I declare. Myself as the victor of that race"

Chip: "Oh would you just get up so I can move?" 'Chip asks in an exasperated tone as he looks up to Aurora'

Aurora: "Y'know I dont think I will, you make a pretty comfortable pillo-"

'Aurora cuts herself off as she finds herself being picked up by A aura of neon Blue energy around her'

'Chip can be seen holding his hand upto her doing his best to keep her levitating before the Aura vanishes and she falls back onto him'

Chip: "That is SO much easier with my walking stick"

'Steven and Connie at this point, are snickering to themselves at the scene infront of them'

Chip: "Heeeey is Steven and Connie" 'Chip says raising his one free arm to wave at them before he uses his other one to nudge Aurora off of him'

Steven: "Hey Chip" 'Steven says as Chip stands up'

'Connie's eyes suddenly go wide realizing how much Chip had changed since she had last seen him'

Connie: "When did you get so tall?!" 'Connie asks in surpise'

Aurora: "He has been taller" 'Aurora says raising her hand then letting it drop back to the ground'

Steven: "What does she mean?" 'Steven asks in confusion earning a sigh from Chip'

Chip: "It would be better if I just showed you" 'Chip says stepping back as his Gem glows brightly'

'Moments pass before the glow dies down showing Chip in his half Diamond form looking back down at Steven and Connie'

Connie: "Holy cow!" 'Connie says while her and Steven stand with stars in their eyes'

Steven: "This is what I told you about!" 'Steven says to Connie as he points at Chip'

'Chip then pulls out his walking stick from his gem causing both Steven and Connie to grow rather excited'

'Chip reaches down with his walking stick poking Aurora lightly with it'

Chip: "You good?"

Aurora: "The ground is a lot more comfortable than you'd think"

'Chip stops before forming a portal above Aurora and then forming one Below her with his walking stick  causing her to continuously fall'

Aurora: "Let me out you Ass!" 'Aurora says laughing to herself'

Steven: "SWEAR JAR!" 'Steven calls out loudly'

'Chip returns to his normal form before walking next to the portal holding his hands out catching Aurora as the portal's vanish'

Chip: "Is that better?" 'Chip asks earning a glare from Aurora'

Aurora: "You are SO lucky I would feel bad for hurting you" 'Aurora says with her eyes and hair turning a orange color'

'Chip beeps to himself in laughter as he sets Aurora down who simply glares at him'

'Eventually Chip and Aurora had flown back home with Aurora going to check up on the ship stating that "Chip owes her" for his stunt earlier'

'Nearly half an hour later Chip found himself sitting the living room looking through his files out of boredom'

'Much to his surpise Chip gets a tap on his head causing him to look up, his eyes going wide for a moment at the sight of a now refused Garnet'

Garnet: "Son we need to have a talk" 'Garnet says with a soft yet stern tone of voice'

*To be continued*

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