(Chapter Six- Change. Your. Mind.)

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'Through the smoke stepped a colossal figure nearly twice the size of the Diamond mech the Crystal gems were about to fuse to beat'

'Its lower body was a silver color, the left leg being completley constructed while the right was still mostly endo skeleton'

'The arms of the mechanical Giant are entirely endoskeleton, no outer shell had yet been constructed for them'

'The torso and Chest however were fully armored and painted a black and red mixture of colors giving it a rather aggressive design'

Pearl: "What is a Metamorin Titan doing here?!" 'Pearl says loudly, gripping her hair'

Garnet: "It is likley one of Blood Diamond's old relics. However I believe I know who is piloting it" Garnet says with a smirk forming on her face'

'Garnet then turns to the group, placing her hands onto her hips'

Garnet: "While Chip buys us some time, We will fuse and climb upto the eyes of the ship" 'Garnet says earning a nod from Everyone'

'As the group begins their fusion dance the ground shakes from the Titan coming to a stop'

Chip: "White Diamond! Power your ship down and exit immediately!" 'Chip says over the speakers of the Titan while its hands clench into fists'

'Inside the Titan, Aurora can be seen clutching onto the wall for dear life as Chip controls it. Chip himself looks less than well, it looks as if he is struggling to even stand'

Aurora: "Are you sure this is a good idea?" "Aurora asks cautiously, wanting to make sure Chip dosent push himself'

Chip: "It's a plan. I never said it was a good one.. " 'Chip says as his gem flickers for a moment as if it were struggling with somthing'

'As Chip stands across from the Diamond Mech he notices the large black colored gem climbing up its leg, after a deep breath, Chip manages to start walking forward once more'

'The Diamond Mech turns its body to face Chip's Titan, to be met with a large rock being thrown at its face, staggering it enough for Obsidian to climb to the top of the mech'

'After some struggling the fusion manages to Defuse and climb into the ship. The moment the Diamond mech goes stiff Chip collapses to his hands and Knee's causing the Titan to do the same'

'Once the Titan settles and Chip disconnects from it, Aurora rushes over checking on Chip'

Aurora: "Okay you need to rest" 'Aurora says helping Chip sit up'

Chip: "I-I cant just sit here..." 'Chip says his eyes flicker, the golden color they had slowly fading'

Aurora: "No. I'm putting my foot down. At this rate you'll get yourself killed" 'Aurora says sternly before carefully picking Chip up'

Chip: "C'mon it would be the first time!" 'Chip says earning a concerned look from Aurora'

'Aurora gently sets Chip down against the wall, unsure of what to do. She wants to go help the others, but she also knows if she leaves Chip he will probably get into trouble'

Aurora: "So...how are you feeling after...being hooked upto whatever that was?" 'Aurora asks softly while sitting down next to Chip'

Chip: "Eh, I don't feel like my brain is being split half anymore. I just sorta feel...." 'Chip says trailing off, before looking to Aurora in thought'

Aurora: "You feel what?" 'Aurora asks tilting her head'

'After a moment Chip looks back down, his eyes flickering a dull green before be rests his head on Aurora's shoulder'

Chip: "Happy"

'Aurora smiles softly, her eyes gaining a pink color to them as she rests her head ontop of Chip's'

Chip: "I mean I feel like shit. But I dont have some...voice in the back of my head anymore"

Aurora: "So you're happy?" 'Aurora asks raising an eyebrow'

Chip: "Well that's part of it, I have you here dont I?" 'Chip asks softly, earning a string of light beeps from Aurora as her hair turns a bright pink color'

Aurora: "So are you going to tell me how you ended up in that chair?" 'Aurora asks causing Chip's eyes to go black'

Chip: "If I do....will you promise me you wont storm out of here?" 'Chip asks earning a hum from Aurora'

Aurora: "That depends on the awnser...."

Chip: "White knocked me out. I can only assume she stuck me in the Chair" 'Chip says Causing Aurora's hair to turn a burning orange color'

Chip: "A-Aurora?" 'Chip asks nervously as Aurora sits with her eyes going black'

'Aurora takes a deep breath causing her hair to glow brighter, before she exhales causing a small burst of orange energy to leave her mouth'

Aurora: "The only reason I am not leaving is because I want to make sure you are okay and safe" 'Aurora says as if talking to herself'

'Aurora shakes her head before gently pulling Chip closer to her, her more protective nature begining to take effect'

'Even though she currently knows Chip is okay, she couldnt help but feel somthing terrible is going to happen, almost like a dread had begun to grow'

'While the two Hybrid's sit together, and the group of Diamonds begin to work through their problems, deep within the planet, inside the exact room Aurora found Chip two Hematite Gemstones can be seen laying on the ground'

'Multiple of the decayed Metamorin Bodies laying about seem to have peices missing from them, a leg missing here, a arm having dissapeared there'

'The throne Chip had been attached too lays in ruins, sorrounded by small mechanical wires'

'The wired seem to twitch for a moment before slithering away behind the throne a few sparks following them'

*To be continued*

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