(Chapter Three- Lapis Meets The Cyborg)

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'The Crystal Gems had just run back to the Barn after seeing a homeworld Ship fly towards it, When they arrive Lapis had seemingly defused the situation'

Chip: "Clear the landing zone!" 'Chip yells causing Steven and Peridot to jump out of the way'

'Chip lands on the ground producing metallic bang as he collides with the grassy ground'

Pearl: "Wait, weren't you just with us?" 'Pearl asks in confusion'

Chip: "No! You all left without saying anything!" 'Chip says dusting himself off'

'While the Crystal Gems check over everyone Lapis seems to be rather confused, first a homeworld ship arrives and tries to attack Peridot who she had begrudgingly defended. And now the Metamorin she had seen a total of four times now comes crashing out of the sky'

'Once Chip finishes dusting himself off he turns noticing Lapis, his eyes turning a dim yellow as he backs up slightly'

Lapis: "H-Hello...Its nice to....see you again?" 'Lapis says nervously'

'Chip beeps quietly a few times while his eyes turn back to their blue normal color'

'The Homeworld ship hisses for a moment causing the Crystal Gems to run into the Barn to hide, Once inside a team of Rubies come out of the ship their gemstones being in various different places'

Peridot: "I knew it! It their after me, it's the end of the line" 'Peridot says as she begins to cower'

Lapis: "Wow you weren't kidding...."

Peridot: "I disobeyed a direct order from Yellow Diamond and called her a clod...to her face..."

Pearl: "Oh honestly you call everyone a clod"

Peridot: "Yes but not everyone has controll over the armies of homeworld waiting for the word to shatter me!" 'Peridot says as she runs and hides inside of a box'

Steven: "Peridot, we wont let them get you"

Peridot: "Havent I caused you enough trouble?"

Chip: "Dont worry about it, none of em are gonna touch you" 'Chip says with a smile, his right arm transforming into a energy cannon'

Garnet: "That's right, it's our job to protect  anything that calls this planet home that includes clods like you" 'Garnet says with a proud smile as she stands next to Steven and Chip'

Peridot: "That's my word...."

'Garnet unfuses after stating Ruby and Sapphire had a plan, while they explain said plan Lapis finds herself looking at Chip, from what Jasper would rant about she expected him to be much different, Jasper constantly would ramble about how he was supposed to be this big authority figure on Homeworld, one even the Diamonds tried not to anger'

'However the Metamorin infront of her is nothing like that, he's innocent and from what she can tell from their brief interaction, rather kind aswell. It's clear he looks up to the Fusion she had come to know as Garnet but she isnt sure why'

Sapphire: "You got this, just act casual" 'Sapphire says giving Ruby a kiss on her Cheek'

Ruby: "Yeah, casual" 'Ruby says before marching outside in a rather non casual fashion'

'As the group watch from the Barn Ruby can be seen practically sweating buckets'

Chip: "This isn't going to end well..." 'Chip says quietly'

Sapphire: "Have some faith in your mother" 'Sapphire says reassuringly'

'Lapis had slowly made her way standing next to Steven, a curious look on her face'

Lapis: "Hey Steven?"

Steven: "Yeah? whatsup?"

Lapis: "I havent officially, met him and I dont really feel comfortable with trying to ask him questions so, could you tell me about him?" 'Lapis asks with a nervous tone in her voice'

Steven: "Oh, you mean Chip? Why it's not like he's going to bite you"

Lapis: "Well, the first time I met him he...shot me into the ocean....and i still dont know if he'll do it again"

Steven: "Oh, well I can awnser a few questions I guess, if that would make you more comfortable"

Lapis: "Thanks" 'Lapis says with a soft smile'

Steven: "Well what do you wanna know?"

Lapis: "Well... what is he like? Jasper told me what he SHOULD be like but...he isnt like that at all"

'Steven hums to himself for a moment in thought'

Steven: "Well he is usually pretty shy, but he seems to be getting better with that, you shouldnt worry about him attacking you either, he's a big softy! Like a teddy bear!" 'Steven says chuckling brightly'

Lapis: "I....dont know what that is" 'Lapis says slightly confused'

Steven: "Just, talk to him, I think you two will get along great!"

Lapis: "How?"

Peridot: "Well you both *REALLY* dont like Jasper" 'Peridot says having been eavesdropping on the conversation'

'Lapis turns to look at Chip curiously, Amethyst is currently sitting on his shoulders using her fist to ruffle his hair essentially giving him a noogie, A cartoon like smile on his face'

Sapphire: "Allright, allright that's enough Amethyst" 'Sapphire says laughing to herself'

Amethyst: "No! He needs to learn the consequences of his actions!" 'Amethyst says chuckling darkly'

Pearl: "It was One joke, I thought it was clever" 'Pearl says crossing her arms'

Amethyst: "You're the reason he tells bad jokes!" 'Amethyst says pointing at Pearl before falling off of Chip's shoulders'

'Lapis smiles for a moment before sighing to herself, She turns back to Steven who is waiting for a response expectingly'

Lapis: "Allright, I'll give talking to him a chance, I'll do it later though, it looks like we've got our hands full"

'Moments later Ruby walks back into barn looking like she is about to have a panic attack'

Ruby: "They wanna check the barn! What do I do?!"

Sapphire: "Relax, just go out there and tell them this is a place where humans live" 'Sapphire says softly while Chip can be seen holding his hand over Amethyst's mouth as she holds a baseball bat'

Steven: "I'll be your back up!" 'Steven says before Amethyst break's out of Chip's grasp and hands him the Baseball bat'

Amethyst: "And here's some backup for your backup"

*To be continued*

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