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Why Me?
Written in 2015 - has not been edited yet

Personally this is one of my favourite books I have written. It is one of my favourite plots, and Hika is one of my favourite characters I have created.

Plus this was also my very first yaoi I have ever written.

(I started to edit it, but wattpad deleted my account and I did not have the edit chapters saved. So will have to start from chapter 1 again on editing this one)


So my original @pink-angel_101 account was deleted by Wattpad.
I am unsure why it was.

So now I have to re-post all my stories, thank god I have them saved to my computer...
Give me some time to get all the books re-posted.

This may give me a reason to try and re-read, and edit all my older works before posting them once more.

Thanks for all the love.
And I hope all my followers will re-find my works and new account

Pink Angel

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