34. Photo Booth

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Sitting next to Miyuki, we waited for our guys to return with our lunch. My eyes glanced around the courtyard, it was a hot beautiful day. Naturally I was wearing my long sleeved shirt too. Rolling up my sleeves slightly, some scars on my left wrist were displayed. Though feeling Miyuki's eyes on me, I saw her glancing at my cuts. Biting my lower lip I quickly pulled my sleeve back down. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, plus I wasn't used to anyone really seeing them. Besides Ryuu or my mother.

"Ryuuzaki and yourself seem to be doing great." Looking at my friend I nod as I meet her grey eyes. "I was shocked to hear him announce that he was gay. But then again everyone was." She let out a soft laugh. "But then again, I always thought there was something different about him."

"Yah, guess he gave everyone a good shock with that announcement." Glancing to the food line, I saw my boyfriend chatting it up with his best friend.

"What about you Ruu-chan?" My eyes went back to her confused. "I mean if you don't mind me asking. How long have you known?"

Staring blankly at her, I merely give a shrug of my shoulders. "Honestly, since forever. Since day one, I always knew I was never attracted to girls."

She nodded and gave me a little smile. "Have you dated a girl though? Even though you knew you liked guys?"

"No." Mumbling I shook my head.

"Ever kissed a girl?"

Since growing closer to Miyuki, her constant state of questions and non stop talking. Doesn't bother me a whole bunch, well not as much as it did before when we first met.


"Wait, what?" Turning around I saw Ryuu standing there, his brown eyes wide in shock as he stared at me. "You kissed a girl?"

Sighing, I rest my elbow on the table holding my head in my hand. "Well if we want to get into details, technically she kissed me. I just sat there confused, and very shocked. I have no bloody clue why she did it though. It wasn't like we ever talked, she was only my science partner for like two months. Though she was the only one to never treat me like a freak." Mumbling, I glanced at the other three. "What?" Grumbling I watched Toshi start handing out the food.

"When was this?" Clearly the thought or mere mention, of another kissing me freaked Ryuuzaki out.

Shrugging once more I glanced at him. "My last day, at the school I attended before moving here."

"Did you, uh enjoy it?"

"Ryuuzaki, come on." I let out a tiny laugh, my hand went over and touched his cheek softly. "You are asking a guy, who has known his entire life he is gay. If he enjoyed some girl giving him a kiss that lasted for like two seconds?" Caressing his cheek I leaned up closer to him as I kissed his lips softly. "Do you think I enjoyed a girl's kiss?"

"N-no." His reply stumbled out as his cheeks flushed faintly.

Sitting back down I picked up one of my chicken strips. Dipping it into the sauce that it came with I took a bite.

"Ah Hika, you can't blame our Ryuu." Toshi grinned madly. "That is just how he is. If you haven't already noticed, he gets a little over protective and possessive about those he loves."

"Toshi, shut the hell up." Glancing at my boyfriend, I saw his face deepen in it's blush. "Let's talk about something else." Grumbling he picked up his burger, taking a bite out of it. Knowing how protective he got over me, truly made me happy though.


After we all ate our lunches, we made our way over to the go kart track. This was the first time I ever driven one, I was terrible at it. Kept hitting the barriers. But one thing was for sure, I had a blast. It had to be one of the funnest things I have done before.

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