35. Soft Glow

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Ryuuzaki's PoV

The moment we arrived at the beach parking lot, Hika surprised me greatly. Once the car was parked, never once have I seen him get out of my car so fast. He truly was looking forward to this.

Crawling from the driver's seat, I hurried to meet up with him as I took his hand in mine.

"I love the beach." He spoke out softly the moment his eyes landed on the ocean water. "Way back when I was a little kid. Before mom got really busy with moving us around, she brought me to a beach all the time. It was like, our thing."

Smiling at his words, I gently gave his hand a soft squeeze. "That sounds beautiful." Truly I don't think Hikaru knows how lucky he is. Not only does he have a loving mother who wanted to spend time with him making memories. As well as having a mother who accepts him fully for him being himself.

"It was! I remember how much I used to love walking the sand holding her hand. We would hunt for sea shells to take home. I was always the one who found them, though now that I think about it she pointed them all out to me." Hearing him realize this he burst out into a laugh, the sound made my heart pound and race.

"Though I bet whenever you picked up one she pointed out, she acted surprised and so happy." Leading him to the beach I saw him nod his head.

"Yah, each and every time."

As he whispered, I couldn't help but notice his blue eyes kept flickering down to the sandy beach we walked on. Perhaps he wanted to find a shell to help remember today as well. So the moment my brown eyes caught sight of one I grinned.

"Hey Hika, what's that?"

Pointing with my free hand to the shell, his eyes saw it and lit up. Chuckling as he pulled his hand from mine, he rushed to it and slowly picked it up examining it. Smiling he looked back to me and showed me it, before he huffed.

"HEY!" He laughed out madly as he realized I did the same exact thing his mother used to do. "Meany." He mumbled as he walked back to me holding the shell in his hand.

"Couldn't help myself, you are just so adorable."

At this he huffed more, and playfully shoved my body. Normally this wouldn't do anything, but I wasn't expecting it. Plus my shoe slipped in the sand slightly, so next thing I knew was I was falling backwards onto the sand.

"Ryuu!" Looking up I saw Hika standing before me. "You ok?" He asked gently as I sighed.

"Well, besides being covered in sand now, yah I am fine." Laughing I sat up as I gazed at him. The ocean breeze rustled his dyed hair around his face. Those bright blue eyes, pierced into my soul. "Help me up?"

Reaching a hand up to Hika, he nodded and slowly took mine in his free hand. Though before he knew what was happening. I pulled him down onto my lap with a laugh.

"Ryuuzaki!" He gasped out only to roll his eyes. "You are such a dork."

"Yah well..." Shrugging my shoulders I smiled at him happily. "But you love me." Teasing out I saw him shake his head but he was smiling.

"Don't know why..." Mumbling he then looked to my gaze. He leaned in and kissed me so passionately, I can't deny it left me a little dazed. Though before I could return the kiss, he was already standing once more and walking down the beach. "Come on Ryuu!" He glanced back to see my dazed look on the sand, a happy little smile on his lips.

Damn, this boy truly knew how to make my heart go crazy.


Glancing towards the passenger seat, a smile appears on my face. Walking the beach with my beautiful boyfriend was beyond amazing to me. Plus I could see clearly in his eyes, how much he truly loved it. Already keeping that in my mind, to bring him back here plenty more.

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