26. I Need You!

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Ryuuzaki's PoV

Leaving Hika after I told his mom everything, was the hardest thing I have ever done. He is in so much pain, and all I want to do is hold and comfort him. Though I couldn't exactly argue with his mother. However, home is honestly the last place I want to be.

Once arriving home I parked my car in the driveway, sighing deeply I just sat there for a moment. Pulling my cell out, I stared at my background photo. It was one of Hikaru, he argued with me for so long about taking this damn photo. In the end though he gave in.

The photo always made me smile, his arms were crossed over his chest. His hood up, as his bright bangs stuck out from it. Then his face looked so annoyed. To me it was precious, it was Hikaru Yamashita. The guy I fell in love with.

Putting my phone in my pocket, I got out of my car and walked to the front entrance. Opening the door and stepping in, instantly I was met with my fathers voice yelling. Lately all they do is yell at me, or just simply glare and shake their heads disappointed.


Standing there, I stared at my father as he eyed me through his glasses. "What is it father?" I mumbled annoyed.

"Don't take that tone with me!" Sighing I stood there, as he started to tell me off. "We told you to come straight home once your practice was over."

"Well I didn't, I went over to Hikaru's."

Already knowing where this conversation would lead, I just stood there. "I told you already! You are never to see him ever again." My father growled.

Mumbling I shrugged my shoulders. "Makes it hard, when we go to the same school."

Suddenly a loud smacking sound echoed throughout the foyer of our home. Standing there I was shocked he actually hit me, but I did deserve it with that reply I gave. Remaining silent, I stood there now with a red stinging cheek from his backhand.

"Don't you dare talk back to me! I made it clear to you, your relationship with that boy is over! We discussed it with Yumi's parents. They have agreed to put this all behind us, and to let you still marry their daughter."

Cutting my father off I glared at him. "And I already made myself clear, that is NEVER going to happen!" I yelled at him, fully pissed off now.

"Either you break up with him, or you get the fuck out of my house!" My father yells as I watch my mother stand there beside him.

Tears were in her eyes, as she started to beg of me. "Ryuu hunny, please. Just end things with him, and be our son."

Looking away from both of them, I stormed passed them and to the staircase. "If that is what you really want..." Whispering I started up the stairs.

My father's voice caught my ears. "Trust us son, breaking up with him is for the best. We knew you would come to your senses, and get over this phase of yours.

Remaining silent, I stormed into my bedroom. I slammed the door shut, and yelled out in pure frustration. Rushing to my closet, I open it up and grab a suitcase.

"I never once said I was breaking up with him..." Growling to myself, I was so upset. "You want me out, fine then. That is what you will get!"

Throwing some clothes into my bag, I pulled out my cell phone quickly. Hitting the speed dial button, I pressed it to my ear as I heard it ring.

'Ryuu? Dude what's up?"

"Toshi, I hate to ask this of you. But I need a huge favor."


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