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Steven and I stopped at the cliff with the lighthouse and sat near the edge, watching the sunset turn the sky into a beautiful pink and orange color.

"Soooo..." Steven began "What type of gem are you?"

"Lavander Quartz." I smiled "and you?"

"Rose Quartz."

"oh cool." we sat in an awkward silence for a while, not really knowing what else to say.

"Sooo.. when did you meet my sister, Connie?"

Steven laughed "Well that's an.. interesting story." He started. "I had spotted her on the beach near the temple, that's where the gems and I live, and I tried to impress her with my bike."

I processed what he said in my head. "Hold on. Bikes don't work in the sand."

He rubbed the back of his neck and turned beet red "yeah i found that out the hard way. let's just say i ended up face first in the sand."

I started dying of laughter "Such a ladies man!" I teased, making him turn an even darker shade of red.

"Hey!" He lightly punched my shoulder.

Once we calmed down from our laughing fit, Steven asked me another question "So how old were you when Connie's family adopted you?"

I had to think for a moment "Around 8 I think."

Steven gasped. I gave him a confused look and he explained "I thought you were going to say, like, 2!" I shrugged as he continued "Does that mean you had to live in an orphanage?"

"Foster home." I corrected 'matter-o-factly.'

Steven's mouth was wide open. I didn't see what he found so incredible or shocking about this. It wasn't a big deal.

"What was it like?" He said after snapping back to reality.

"It wasn't all bad." I started "There were 10 girls and 8 boys. Girls and boys had different rooms. The rooms were huge. We had 2 women that looked after us. It was just like having one big family." (I don't actually know what foster homes are like so i'm sorry if this isn't anything like one lol)

He slowly nodded his head and turned to look out onto the water below us. "I saw you had a scythe as your weapon, do you have any powers?" He questioned, thankfully changing the subject.

"Yeah! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!" I stood up brushing myself off.

"Yeah sure!" Steven looked excited as he stood up too.

First, I pulled out my scythe. "You've already met my friend here." I laughed and put it back in my gem. "Watch this!" I yelled as I started walking backwards so i had a good running start. Then I watched Steven's excited face turn to pure fear as I ran and jumped off the edge of the cliff.

"Y/N!" I heard him scream above me. I then saw his fear stricken face poke over the edge to see me floating in mid air, laying down with my arms folded behind my head.

He let out a sigh of relief as he clenched his chest "you have floating powers too. good to know" he smiled as I began dying of laughter again, floating back over to him and landing softly by his side. "You have floating powers too?" He nodded in response and demonstrated by jumping in the air and kicking his feet and if he were running a marathon, but he didn't move. He just floated in place. Once he landed again he explained "its a work in progress."

I laughed and went on with my demonstration "But that's not all folks" i said as if i were in a commercial. I looked to steven "think of a number 1-10"

"Umm.. ok?" He seemed very confused. I gave him a moment to think of one before... "5" I said instantly. His jaw dropped. "That was just a lucky guess! Guess what i'm thinking of right now!"

I smirked as I began listing off all the random things he started to think of. "Donuts, cookie cat, the ocean, apples, and a dog with a helicopter on his back?"

Steven stared at me in pure amazement. He let out a small "wow." making me laugh.

"You're turn!" I couldn't wait to see what cool abilities he had.

"oh ok!" First, he summoned a pink shield with cool vines all over it. Then he put it back in his gem and pounded his hands into the dirt, lifting up a huge piece of the land.

"oh cool! super steven strength!" i gawked, making him chuckle. He set the ground back in place, brushing his hands together to get the dirt off. Then he grabbed my side and pulled me to his chest, making my heart leap and my face turn a bright red. I looked up at him to see his face the same color as mine. He made a huge pink bubble around both of us. Then he started changing the bubble's shape, even giving it spikes.

"Ok now you're just showing off" I smirked up at him as he popped the bubble.

"I've got one more trick up my sleeve!" He examined me for a minute, making my face heat up a little again. He then grabbed my hand, where there was a giant cut i hadn't even noticed. Actually, now that i'm thinking about it and looking at myself, i had a few cuts and bruises here and there. Steven looked at my hand, then looked back up at me. He gave a little wink and kissed where the cut was. I swear a whole swarm of butterflies were having a rave in my stomach. At first, nothing happened. But then the cut began to sparkle, and just like that, it was healed!

I examined my hand in amazement. "You have freaking healing powers!" I must have looked at him with literal stars in my eyes. He puffed out his chest a little and nodded his head. We both laughed.

I looked up at the now star lite sky. "wow i didn't realize how dark it got."

Steven nodded "Yeah we should get home, the gems must be worried sick! Oh jeez your parents must be too!"

"Shit! Connie's parents are gonna kill me!" I face palmed.

"How about I walk you home? Then I can explain to them why we were out so late?" He said, offering me his arm like a gentlemen.

I smiled and held onto his arm "That would be great. Thank you Steven."

Even though it was super dark i could still see his face turn a little red "y-yeah. no problem! hehe. let's g-go."

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