Sweet Dreams

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Steven's POV

I laid in bed, ready to put my plan into action. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through with this or not, seeing how happy y/n was. Even if I wanted to go home so badly. But after today I knew we had to leave. Homeworld was turning me into something I didn't like. I looked down at my gem and sighed. They covered it up pretty well.

Closing my eyes, I imagined the temple. I imagined Pearl hurrying to tidy up my room, even though there was no one coming over, Garnet about to go on some extremely dangerous but cool mission, and Amethyst rummaging through the fridge eating whatever she could get her hands on. I smiled as I slowly drifted off the sleep.

My eyes shot open, revealing some sort of island paradise. It seemed so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it... well... stump? When I looked down at my hand, I instead saw a little green stump. After examining myself for a minute, I had a small celebrations "It worked!" I tried to yell, but strange muffled noises came out instead. Now all I had to do was make my way from Masque Island (is that how you spell it?) to Beach City. How hard could that be?

I immediately start gathering branches and drift wood. I shape them together and tie it all together with some vine. My boat was almost finished, but it was missing something. I grabbed a branch and a big leaf from a palm tree and made them into a sail. I stood back and whipped some sweat off my forehead. It was finished. I went to hop on but a barking sound stopped me in my tracks. I turned around to see a little watermelon dog running up to me. I "awwed" the best I could as the pup jumped into my arms. I pet it for a minute before setting it back on the sand. I tried my best to explain that the adventure ahead was going to be too dangerous for it and that it would have to stay. It made a sad noise as I hopped onto my contraption, slowly floating away, waving goodbye.

~Timeskip brought to you by me being lazy~

After the long, tiring journey, I could finally see the temple. I used my little stubs as a paddle to move me along faster. Finally, I reached land. For some reason it only took like 2 hours, but it felt like much longer. I fell onto the sand in exhaustion, starring up at the sky. It would be so easy to just stay here, laying on the sand, the ocean on my le- stubs. But the sun reminded me of my sun. Y/n. They were still on Homeworld.

I pulled myself off the sand and brushed myself off, trudging towards the temple. I was gonna get y/n and I back home wether they liked it or not.

After stumbling up the wooden stairs, I tried jumping up to reach the door handle. "Ugh curse this little watermelon body." I thought as I began banging on the door, praying the gems were out of their rooms. Almost immediately, dad swung the door open and looked side to side. His face fell when he didn't see anybody. I began yelling for him, once again coming out like loud growling sounds. He looked down and gave me a confused look.

"Watermelon Steven?" I jumped up and down while waving my arms, explaining everything that's happened and telling him he had to get the gems. He cocked his head to the side with a very confused look. Oh right... I can't talk. I facepalmed before pushing past him and walking into the house.

Pearl was pacing back and forth, Amethyst was sitting on the floor watching the warp pad, Connie sat at the counter with her head in her hands, Ruby and Sapphire were in my room arguing, Peridot and Lapis were on the steps talking, and Bismuth was writing something in the living room.

I ignored the commotion and ran over to Bismuth. I grabbed the pencil from her hand and grabbed an empty sheet of paper. "Wow there!" She yelled, grabbing the attention of the others. I scribbled down a quick summery of everything that happened to y/n and I. I waited as they all gathered around the paper and read it, tapping my stub impatiently.

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