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I/F= Ice Cream Flavor

Steven's POV

I shivered as the cold air hit me when we walked out of the arcade. I silently wished I had a jacket or something to warm me up. It's early spring so it should be warming up soon. I can't wait for warmer weather. I would love to have a nice beach day with y/n "You're not actually buying me ice cream, are you?" They questioned, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I?" We started walking towards the new ice cream shop that had recently opened near Fish Stew Pizza.

"Steven, you really don't have to do that, I was just joking around." I shook my head "Nuh-uh. You won fair and square. Plus i'm gonna get one for myself too."

"Oh. Well as long as it's not too much trouble" We continued to walk in a comfortable silence, side by side. I could feel my face heat up every time our hands brushed against each other. I got an idea and looked at our hands, only millimeters apart. I started to reach out, but quickly pulled back. "Just do it! It's not that hard just grab their hand!" Once again, my shaking hand reached for their's, and then-

"Hey Steven! H-hey y/n!" My head shot up to see that we had made it to the ice cream shop, and Peedee was behind the counter for some reason. "I really need to stop zoning out like that."

"Hey Peedee." I greeted, trying to hide the slightly saddened tone I could hear creeping into my voice. "Hey P! Do you work here now or something?"

"Yeah... I've actually been trying to get a job here for a while. I hate having to work with my dad and stupid Ranaldo. I'd much rather work on my own." Peedee rambled on, but I stopped listening half way through. I didn't mean to be rude, but something bothered me about the way he was looking at y/n. I just couldn't lay my finger on it. They had started having their own conversation, but I couldn't focus on what they were saying. My eyes switched back and forth between the two of them. I notice all the little details when it comes to people, it might even be another power of mine. But I noticed that Peedee almost never broke eye contact with y/n, and he's been slowly leaning farther and farther over the counter towards them. I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to figure out why he was acting so weird.

"Earth to Universe!" y/n's hand waved in front of my face. "Huh wha-?" "What did I just say about spacing out not even 5 minutes ago?"

They giggled "What ice cream do you want?" I felt my face heat up "O-Oh. Right. Sorry." I turned to Peedee and told him my order. He nodded and headed to where the ice cream was kept and began scooping.

I leaned in close to y/n. "What's up with him tonight?" I tried to speak in a quiet tone. They cocked their head to the side "What do you mean?" They copied my sound level.

Then it hit me "y/n... I think he likes you!" They looked shocked, and I bet I did too. "What?!" They broke out into a fit of laughter "Peedee?!" They questioned in disbelief, still laughing, but somehow still able to talk in a hushed tone.

"Yeah! I just know it! The way he looks at you, the way he tries to get closer to you-" I was interrupted by y/n laughing even harder. I pouted and folded my arms "It's not funny!" They sighed, whipping a tear from their eye. "Look, Steven. Let's say that he he does like me. So what?"

My eyes widened "So what?! So he might try to make a move on you or something!" I didn't want to think about that. Peedee flirting with MY y/n. I blushed at that phrase "My y/n..."

"Steven...?" I looked up at them, showing that I was listening. "Are you... jealous?!" They started laughing again. I didn't need a mirror to know that I turned a bright red "WHAT?! NO! I just- uh I-I just-"

"Here you go guys!" Peedee poked his head through the window. "For Steven" He said while handing me my ice cream, Cookies and cream, my favorite. Idk Steven's favorite flavor lol I picked a random one. "And for y/n." They went to grab their ice cream, but something was wrong. "Umm Peede? You can let go now." They let out and awkward laugh.

"Oh. Right. Sorry." He said, letting go and letting y/n take her cold cone. I set the money on the counter and we started making our way down the board walk. "B-bye guys." We both waved him goodbye with our free hands.


All the shops along the boardwalk were closed or closing, making it feel empty. Soon enough, the stars were the only lights we could see. I licked away at my i/f as Steven and I walked in silence. But this wasn't like the comforting silence like before, this one was tense. I continued to lick my ice cream, trying to think of a way to break the tension. "Mmm. This ice cream is really good!" I mentally face palmed at my stupidity. I heard Steven let out a soft chuckle, but I didn't dare look up at him. Silence slowly swallowed us again and I continued eating away and my cold treat.

"Look..." Steven started in the softest tone ever. It was almost like if he talked too loud, he would break the quiet, fragile atmosphere around us. "I'm sorry if I was acting weird back there." I stopped him before he could go any further "I get it, Steven. I understand you were just looking out for me." I gave him a soft smile, which he quickly returned. "Thanks y/n."

Then, out of nowhere, he scoffed. I looked up at him, confused about the sudden change in mood. "I need to get some sort of nickname for you." He explained, but I was still confused. "You call me Universe all the time, and that's really cute, but I don't have any clever nicknames for you." I rolled my eyes and scoffed, just like he had. "I mean, Universe isn't the most creative thing ever."

He stuffed the rest of his ice cream cone in his mouth "Well I still really like it." He then tried making a nickname out of my name. He rearranged the order of the letters, shortened it, and added a few letters, but he eventually gave up. "I'll think of it eventually."

Silence settled on us once again, but thankfully, this time, it was a peaceful silence. I took another bite of my ice cream cone, finishing it off. I let out a content sigh. I guess I would just stay over Steven's tonight. My parents should be fine with it as long as I shoot them a text as soon as we get to his house.

I was broken out of my thoughts as I felt someone grab my hand, making me jump a little. I glanced down at my hand and let out a sigh of relief when I realized it was just Steven. I didn't think much of it until he slowly laced out fingers together. I felt my face heat up and I silently thanked God that it was dark out.

And even though it was below freezing and I lost all feeling in my feet, I had never felt so warm.

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