Sunnier Days

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F/CH = Favorite Character
F/C = Favorite Color
F/S = Favorite Song
E/C = Eye Color

The alarm on my phone went off around 5:00 am, playing the song "Sunnier Days" by Diego Garcia. Confused, I checked the date to make sure I didn't sleep the weekend away. Nope, still Saturday.
"Shit. I forgot to turn off my school alarm."

I sat up and looked out the window. It was still pitch black. I groaned and laid back down, ready to get some more sleep. But I couldn't. I closed my eyes and imagined myself laying on a cloud in the sky, or on a hammock between two palm trees on a tropical beach. But nothing happened. I eventually pulled out my phone and scrolled through Wattpad. I wasn't supposed to have any social media, but I convinced my mom to let me get this one since it was just reading and writing.

I saw one of my favorite authors posted a new part to the story i've been reading called "f/ch x reader." By the time I finished reading, the sun had just started to rise, turning the sky into a beautiful orange and pink color. I thought it would be a good idea to go for a walk. I could even grab some donuts for Connie and I!

I jumped out of bed and out on a t-shirt with a f/c hoodie over it. Then I slipped on some ripped jeans and sneakers. I went into my closet and grabbed the jar full of money I kept hidden. I grabbed some money and wrote a quick note telling Mr and Mrs M and Connie where I would be. Then I headed out.

I was greeted with the chilly morning air as soon as I stepped opened the door. I put in some earbuds and put on f/s. I walked and hummed, my steps matching the beat of the song. It ended as soon as I got to The Big Donut. I opened the door and heard the little bell chime. Sadie and Lars were no where to be seen. I heard what sounded like shouting coming from the other room but I couldn't hear what was being said. "Hello?" I said to no one in particular.

Sadie quickly shuffled out of the back room, looking pretty pissed off. I smiled at her "Morning Sadie!" I tried sounding as cheery as I could. I find that whenever I seem to be in a good mood, it puts the people around me in a good mood. She gave half a smile back. "Hey y/n. What'll it be?" (A/N: you already know Sadie and Lars from when you and Connie go to the big donut together).

I looked at the selection of donuts. "One Chocolate donut and two Vanilla frosted please." I decided to get myself an extra for later. She put on some gloves and grabbed a brown paper bag, placing the two donuts into it. I hummed while I waited. She placed the bag down on the counter in front of me. "2.50" she spoke with no emotion. I was starting to get worried about her. I pulled out a 5 and handed it to her. She walked to the cash register to get change.

I decided to ask her why she was acting so strange "Hey Sades? Is everything ok?" She shrugged, not looking up from the money she was counting. She closed the register and held out her hand to give me the change. I held my hand out so she could give me it, but she didn't. "I-i'm sorry if i can off as rude before." She looked down and dropped the money into my hand.

I gave her a sad smile "It's no problem. Everyone has their bad days." She let out a laugh and I couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or not "Tell me about it. Lars has been on my back all day about every little thing." She glanced at the back room "At least I actually do my job!" she laughed but it wasn't a happy laugh.

"Lars can be a pain in the ass." I blurted out. That made Sadie happy laugh. I smiled, feeling some what accomplished. I grabbed my donuts, starting to head out the door "Later Sades, and good luck." I said while walking out. I saw her wave goodbye, still laughing.

I put my earbuds back in and shuffled my music. The first thing that came on was "Sunnier Days." I guess the universe really wants me to listen to this song today. I started my journey back home while scrolling through my phone. Well at least I was until I felt myself run into something kinda squishy. I looked up from my phone and realized it was a person. "Oh I'm sorry I-" Brown eyes met my e/c ones.

"Speaking of the Universe"

"Oh! Hey y/n!" Steven waved at me. "Morning Steven. Sorry about that." I rubbed the back of my neck. He waved his hand as if dismissing something "It's all good. What are you listening to?"

I pulled out my phone and showed him the song. "Oh cool! I love that song!" He exclaimed. I took out one ear bud and offered it to him "I'm heading back home if you wanna come. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind."

"Sounds good. I'm free all day." He said, taking the ear bud. We started walking to my house, humming the cheerful tune. At one point Steven even started to sing.

"But If you could take a moment and just listen to your heart. You will find there something to relive the pressure from the start. If you look outside and take a breath you're really not too far from sunnier days."

I stared at him in amazement and I guess he noticed because he blushed a little "Sorry. I should probably warn you I love to sing." I giggled at his embarrassment "No no it's fine! It's just... you're really good!"

"Thanks! I've been writing some of my own songs lately but they aren't the best." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Really? I would love to hear them sometime!" We went on talking about some of our favorite songs and artists and even some musicals as we walked side by side.

Sunnier Days.

Hey loves! I hope you enjoyed this part. Now that y/n and Steven are becoming good friends and introductions have been made, i'm thinking we start to get to the big picture....

Anyways, i'm sorry it took me so long to get this part out. I'm trying to come up with some sort of schedule I could use when posting but for now i'm just going to try and post twice a week.

Thank you for all of your support and comments!❤️

Hybrids (steven universe x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin