Gussy Them Up

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The walk to our unknown destination was quiet. And I mean really quiet. The only sound was our feet on the cold crystal floor. I wanted to try and make conversation with the Amethyst, but decided not to since we had nothing to talk about.

We stopped at a little crystal door and the Amethyst put in a code to make it slide open. Inside was a purple... Pearl? The Amethyst shoved me inside and left, closing the door behind her. The Pearl gave me a heartwarming smile. "Purple! I've missed you so much!" The Pearl gave me a gentle hug, as if she thought she would break me if she squeezed too hard.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong person. My name is y/n." The Pearl let go and took a step back from me. She looked at me with a sad expression "It's truly a shame what happened to you Purple." She whipped a tear off her face and gave me a forced smile, still clearly upset, but trying her best to hide it. I felt a little guilty for making her upset, but she quickly bounced back. "But don't you worry! We'll get you back in no time!"

Again, I gave her a confused expression "Back?" She grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to another room, disregarding my question. I stared in amazement. The walls were filled with color coordinated dresses, shirts, skirts, suits, pants, you name it!

The Pearl began scanning the room and I did the same, admiring each piece of clothing. My eyes landed on a giant red dress that started at the ceiling, and fell all the way to the floor. "Are there really gems that big?" The Pearl tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around. She placed a pile of clothes into my arms and pushed me into a changing room I hadn't even noticed was there.

"Let me know which one you like best. And if you don't like any I can pick a few more out for you to try on." She explained from the other side of the curtain. I placed the clothes onto a little stool that was in the corner and looked at myself in the mirror that hung on the wall. I noted the frame of the mirror had little pink, yellow, blue, purple, and white diamonds all around it. "I'm sensing a theme." My hair was a mess and I still had a black eye. I looked at the pajamas I still had on. Steven's. I really didn't want to take them off. They were so cozy and they might be the last thing I have of his. Also... they smelled nice.

After a little while longer, I decided that I couldn't just stay sad and mourn the loss of my best friend forever. Jeez he isn't even dead! For all I know, Aquamarine could've been lying to get on our nerves. I'm sure i'll see him again soon. With that, I began to change into the different outfits she had picked out for me.

~Time skip about 30 minutes bc there was a lot of hecking clothes~

I sighed as I picked up the last outfit. Everything so far had either too many layers, or not enough. And everything was so purple!

I checked the mirror and gasped. I actually looked pretty decent. The outfit was perfect!

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