Where are we?

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Alright just a warning this is going to be pretty different from the actual show. And by pretty different I mean a lot has changed :)


My eyes shot open. I couldn't move. My breathing was unstable and my heartbeat felt like I had just drank 20 Monster Energy drinks. (Sorry I freakin love Monster)

I closed my eyes and cleared my mind as best as I could, then took a few deep breaths in and out. After I had calmed myself down, I took in my surroundings. I was in a dark room, the only light source being a giant, green, glowing orb that was next to me, giving the room a green tint. There was a set of stairs on both sides of the orb. I looked down and realized the reason I couldn't move because I was tied to a chair. I noted that the ropes I was tied up with seemed to be made of green light. "They're probably controlled by the green orb."

As my body slowly started to wake up, I could feel how sore I was. The ropes I was tied up with were actually pretty tight, my head was throbbing, and I could tell I had a swollen eye.

I went through everything that had happened to get me here. "I was at Steven's and I couldn't find him. Then I thought I heard him come in, but something big knocked me out... OH MY STARS WHERE IS STEVEN?!" I started to panic, wondering what happened to my best friend. Right on cue, I heard a groan coming from my right. I had to squint but I could just see Steven in the same state as I was.

"Steven are you alright?!" I whisper shouted over to the boy. "Ughhh" he groaned "Stop yelling."

"But I wasn't... oh whatever." I was going to argue and tell him I wasn't yelling at all, but I was just glad to know he was alright.

"Where are we?" He questioned and I noticed he had a pretty raspy voice. "No idea." I sighed. There was a moment of silence before Steven spoke up "We've gotta find way out of here."

I started brainstorming ideas. "It looks like that green orb thingy controls these ropes. If we could find break it somehow-" "The ropes would disappear!" He finished for me.

"Yeah but how would we break it? We're a little strung up here." I didn't notice my unintentional pun until Steven said "bu-dum-tsh." In a very serious tone, making me let out a little chuckle.

I looked myself over, trying to find a solution. I looked at my feet and realized that I didn't have any shoes on. "Bingo!" "Steven, do you have shoes on?"

"Uh yeah, why?" I smiled. "This just might be crazy enough to work."

"Alright I need you to listen and follow my instructions exactly." I tried using my most serious tone to get my point across. "First, slip one of your shoes off."

I waited until I heard him say "Got it." To go to the next step. "Now pick up the shoe with your feet."

"O-ok. What next."

I didn't answer for a second, wondering if this could actually work. "Ok, now do you think you could throw the shoe behind you with your feet?"
He was quiet "I mean, there's no hurt in trying."

A thick silence filled the room. I held my breath out of fear, and I could hear him let out a quick breath before- CRACK.

I looked behind me to see that he had successfully thrown his shoe, and it had made a huge crack down the middle of the orb. "So close.." He sighed. "One more chance."

I waited quietly as he repeated the process. I jumped a little at the sudden shattering noise from the orb behind me. The green ropes that had been cutting off my blood circulation immediately disappeared. "Agh!" I looked over to Steven to see that his chair had fell backwards, and he was now laying flat on his back.

Pain shot up both my legs as I slowly stood up. Once I was up, I quickly stumbled over to where Steven was laying.

I knelt down next to him and quickly examined him to see if he was hurt in any way, but didn't see any marks. "Ugh my head." He groaned, propping himself up on his elbows, and rubbing the back of his head. I gently grabbed his head and placed it in my lap.

He looked up into my eyes and for a second we were quiet. "Y-your eye." He noted, reaching up to touch it. He seemed a little loopy. He probably hit his head really hard when he fell. I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together, bringing them away from my face.

He gave me a soft smile "y/n..." His was just above a whisper, and it gave me chills. "you look cute in my clothes..." He mumbled. I could've sworn my face burst into flames right there and then. I opened my mouth to respond but I was interrupted by a very annoying voice. "Well well well. What do we have here~"

I slowly looked up to see a little blue gem with water wings floating right above us. She had a tear shaped gem right under her eye, making it look like she was crying. She also held a little black wand, which I guess is her weapon.

"I have to admit I'm rather impressed." She pointed to the shattered orb. "How you managed to do that while tied up. And with your dumb little organic brains." She let out an evil, high pitched laugh. "Hah well, not totally organic." She lifter up Steven's shirt with her wand just enough to expose his gem. I quickly swatted her hand away. "Ooo feisty~" She floated over to me and I tensed up as she examined my gem on my g/p.

"Hmm." She put her hand on her chin as if she were thinking. "I have no clue why the diamonds wanted you two. I mean... look at you." She made a disgusted face.

"Wait... diamonds?" Steven spoke up. "What do the diamonds want with us?"

The blue gem ignored Steven's questions and landed on the ground next to us, putting her wings away. "I still can't believe they wasted an aquamarine on this job. It was so easy. Topaz could've done it herself."

"I guess her name is Aquamarine. And that gem that knocked me out must have been Topaz." I spaced out, lost in thought. Aquamarine rapped her little foot impatiently like she was waiting for something.

She suddenly let out a loud, dramatic sigh. "You two are so boorrinng. I thought hybrids like you would be interesting." She made a little tsk tsk noise. "Oh well~" She pointed her wand towards us and I held Steven to my chest, shutting my eyes and bracing for impact. But when I opened my eyes again, we were surrounded by a big blue bubble thing.

"We should be arriving at Homeworld shortly so don't get too comfortable." She summoned her wings again and flew up the stairs yelling "Tootaloo~"

I took a moment to process everything that had just happened. Aquamarine... Topaz... Diamonds... Homeworld.

"Steven?" He looked up at me with a terrified expression. My heart dropped. I was going to ask him to explain what all of this meant, hoping it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Clearly, I was going to get a very different answer.

Hello Loves!

I'm sorry this chapter took forever to get out, but I hope you enjoyed! I'm curious, does anyone have any predictions for what's going to happen to you and Steven? I loved seeing all your predictions last time💜

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