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Steven: Hello everyone! In the last chapter we got a ton of questions from you guys-

Y/n: so we're here to answer them!

@Cute798 asked "What is your favorite episode of Steven Universe and what is your favorite ship?" "And what's your favorite color and song?"

Author: I can't choose just one, so my top 3 are probably Mindful Education, Too Short to Ride, and Hit the Diamond! As for my favorite ship I would have to say Converse, Lapidot, and Sadie x Lars (idk what the official ship name is for them).

My favorite color changes a lot but right now it's light blue. My favorite song right now is "ultimately" by khai dreams (which might be coming up soon in the story) and my favorite su songs are Change Your Mind, Here Comes a Thought, and Peace and Love on the Planet Earth.

@AlextheGacha asked "To y/n and Steven, how do you feel about being diamonds instead of quartz's?"

Y/N: It's pretty weird...

Steven: Yeah, it honestly changes everything i've thought about my mom... my whole life actually...

@AlextheGacha also asked "To the writer, what was your reaction when you figured out that Rose was actually Pink Diamond?"

Author: I had my suspicions about Pearl being Pink Diamonds Pearl, but I never really thought about Rose being Pink Diamond. I was actually really surprised when I found out. I also love how they played that episode out.

@imscr3ing asked "YELLOW ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH BLUE?!"

Yellow: N-no! Blue is just my... uhh... nExT quEsTioN!!

@starsenpai5116 asked "Do you have the plot of the entire book planned out or do you just improvise as you go along?"

@-rinkutabae also asked "Are you following some sort of storyline?"

Author: I have a few specific events that I know are going to happen somewhere in the book, but other than that I improvise as I go. For example, I knew that I wanted y/n to be purple diamond, and I knew that Steven and y/n we're gonna be taken to homeworld. I just had to figure out how I wanted that all to happen.

elycake277 asked "If you have seen SU Future what are your thoughts about it?"

Author: I like SU future a lot, but I do miss the more goofy episodes. There's been a lot of angst lately and I like it, but I just really wanna give Steven a hug :(

reddie4evaeva666 asked "If you could would you marry Steven?"

Y/n: *blushes* WHAT?! S-steven?! No! We're just really good friends! That's all!!

Steven: *innocently walks up* "Hey y/n! What's the question?"

Y/n: I-i uhhh

Author: oh heck yeah ùwú

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